Chapter 21

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The next morning, the entire friend group was lying on the boat in a pile. Everyone woke up at the same time, but Raven noticed a missing space between her and Kelce.

"Where's Rafe?" Sarah took the words right out of Raven's mouth.

"Awake," He was up on the second deck, looking down at everyone.

"Jesus, Rafe," Sarah jumped, causing Topper to laugh, "Where were you?"

"I got everyone coffee because I couldn't deal with Kelce's foot in my fucking face anymore," He put two paper cupholders of coffee on the dock.

"How did you know my coffee ord-"

"I got it from Sarah's note in her phone, she keeps everyone's regular orders in her notes app," He sat down next to Raven, causing everyone to glance at him, "Drink your fucking coffee before I dump it into the damn water."

"Don't go through my phone," Sarah rolled her eyes.

"I didn't, I got the coffee orders," He took a drink and Raven looked at his cup.

"You spiked yours," She smirked.

"No, I didn't," He rolled his eyes.

"Liar, I can tell, it's separated," She pointed.

"Shut up," He pushed her and she laughed.

"I'm so glad you guys are decently getting along now it won't be awkward for everyone else," Kelce laughed.

"Shut up," Rafe shot Kelce a look and his jaw dropped.

"I DIDN'T EVEN- oh nevermind," He rolled his eyes.

"Turn the speaker on," Raven intervened between the two guys.

Rafe leaned over and turned on the speaker, and Raven connected to it. She turned on Charlie, Last Name Wilson by Charlie Wilson and Topper started singing, then Rafe joined in.

Sarah, Raven, and Kayla started dancing, and then Kelce joined in the singing. They all started dancing while they drank their coffee.

"What song is next?" Topper asked while Raven looked at her phone.

"Uhm," She froze when it started playing, "NO. NO NO SKIP. SKIP SKIP," She fought with her phone as it paused.

"No, no, what's the song," Rafe took the phone out of her and scrolled to the lyrics on Spotify.

"Stop, Rafe, No," She tackled him trying to get her phone back.

"My loves a grenade, just be a good girl, you can take it?" He read the lyrics with a laugh.

"RAFE GIVE ME MY PHONE," She pinned his arm and grabbed it from him, sitting back up.

"Goddamn, Raven's a freak," Kayla smirked, and she shot her a look.

"Shut up," She turned a different song on, Sex Money Feels Die by Lykke Li started playing.

The group vibed on the boat until Raven and Sarah both started complaining they were cold. Kayla had to go home because her family was going on vacation soon and Kelce was invited on too, Topper had family visiting, so everyone started leaving.

"I'm going to go sit in my room, with one, ignoring everyone for the next four hours, so if you need me, don't," Sarah laughs.

"Same see you guys for dinner," Raven laughed and went upstairs.

They all went into their separate rooms, but when Raven walked into hers, she saw flowers sitting on the dresser. Multiple pink roses, the ones she was looking at when she was at Gina's yesterday.

"What the hell?" She whispered to herself, but then realized, it couldn't of been Sarah.

"Oh my god," She smiled to herself, then sent a photo of them to Rafe.


*attached photo*


I don't know what you're talking about

yeah you do, but okay deny


She smiled knowing, that even if he denied it, it was him. He was the only one who couldn't know other than Sarah. She hooked her phone up to the Bluetooth speaker that was in her room and put on music. Morally Gray by April Jai and Nation Haven started playing and she danced around the room. She heard a tapping on her window and opened the blinds, revealing Rafe.

"What," She opened the window.

"Turn your fucking music down," He smirked.

"No? I need to drown out Sarah's," She laughed.

"I don't want to hear another guy, tell you that you're a good girl," He sounded jealous.

"Oh you're jealous," She smirked and he glared at her.

"No, it's just not something I want to hear on a Wednesday afternoon," He rolled his eyes.

"Turn your music up then," She gave him a snarky smile, then shut the window and closed the blinds.

A few minutes later, Confident by Justin Bieber and Chance The Rapper started playing from down the hall and she scoffed to herself.

"That jealous bitch," She rolled her eyes and just laid down on her bed.

Sarah's words started playing from yesterday, about how this is her house now too, and she can finally be comfortable.

"Take it all in, Raven, you finally got it," She sighed to herself.

She'd be lying if she said she didn't miss her brother sometimes, she missed being able to have a healthy balance between her friends, but she couldn't anymore because the pouges weren't her friends anymore. She had a new life, she needed to start acting like it, but she couldn't help but miss her dad still. She never missed her mom because she never knew her, she was three when her mom left, and that was that.

"Raven," Sarah appeared in her doorway.

"Hm?" Raven sat up and realized she was crying.

"What happened?" She came and sat, hugging her, "You were crying louder than the music."

"I didn't know I was crying, I'm sorry," Raven let out a laugh.

"No, no, don't be sorry, what's wrong?" She gave Raven another comforting hug.

"Nothing I was just thinking, like I said, didn't mean to cry," Raven laughed.

"Oh okay, just wanted to make sure you were okay," Sarah smiled at her and left back to her room.

Raven rubbed her face and sighed. Another tap on her window sounded before it opened from the outside, she froze, internally panicking not knowing who it was, until Rafe climbed through her window.

"Come here," He opened his arms and sat next to her.

She leaned into him as she cried, not knowing she still needed to cry. She was aware of her crying so she was way quieter than she was before.

"Tell me," He whispered.

"Just- My dad is dead," She sighed her breath Shakey.

"I know," He smoothed her hair.

When he didn't want to be a prick, he knew how to comfort her. It was something he was good at because of how similar the two were.


Hello everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter <333 One of my best friends fin said that they're going to read my work so if she gets this far this is my hello to them <333 JENNAH TOO but idk if she'll make it this far LOL

I love you all so much <333

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