Chapter 8

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Raven finally decided on the first outfit she tried on for Sarah, laying it out with the pair of shoes she also selected, then sat on the floor in front of the floor-length mirror in the room with her makeup bag. She never really did anything special, a normal base -minus the foundation- eyeliner, and a nude or red lip, the choice being red for tonight. She kept her oversized T-shirt and sleep shorts on while she did her makeup and hair because it was still a little early for them to leave. Sarah was having the party at Topper's house because his parents weren't there for the weekend and Wheezie was having friends over tonight at Tannyhill.

"I have a vanity in my room you could've used," Sarah laughed, sitting on the floor with Raven.

"This is more fun," Raven smiled, Her eyes following Sarah, who was grabbing a hair brush.

"You want me to do your hair for you since we only have an hour until we have to go?" She grinned.

"What are we thinking?" I responded, as a nod to me letting her proceed with doing my hair.

"Well I was thinking, we use a flat iron and curl it so it had looser curls instead of the tight ones a curling iron would give you," She started brushing my hair slowly.

"You have full reign, I trust you with my life," Raven smiled at her through the mirror.

"Aww Raven," She touched her heart, "I trust you with MY life."

She left to her room to find a flat iron and Raven heard her yell out of frustration.

"I'm gonna go downstairs and see if Rose had left one here!"

"Alright!" Raven responded putting the last curler up to her eye, curling her uncurled lashes.

"Why are you guys fucking yelling," Rafe walked into the room, leaning against the doorway.

"Get the fuck out," Raven sighed with anger.

"Oh so you can come into my room without knocking, but if I come into your room, I have to knock? Doesn't seem too fair..." He was full of sarcasm, which just pissed Raven off.

"Do you ever know how to shut up," She set her lash curler down and stood up, walking over to her purse, forgetting that her mascara was there.

"You listen to me veeeeeery carefully Raven, you're getting a little bold," He walked closer to her, almost touching her.

"I don't know what the hell you mean," She wasn't paying any attention to how close he was to her because she was too busy trying to find her mascara.

"Yeah you do, we both do," He whispered in her ear, causing her to freeze, "You look very nice tonight Raven Amber."

His breath caused the tiny hairs to stick up on the back of her neck, as she stood there watching the mirror as he walked out of the room. How could he do that to her, it made her hate him even more than she already did, he was like a cat playing with its food before killing it.

"I FOUND ONE!" Sarah ran in yelling, "Woah you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost-"

"Huh? Oh, yeah, yeah, just afraid I left my mascara somewhere," Raven stifled a laugh.

"Oh girl don't panic, I have so many that you could've borrowed but I'm glad you found it."

Raven sat back in front of the mirror, continuing her makeup routine while Sarah did her hair. They finished their separate stylings around the same time, but also close to the time of leaving, so Raven quickly changed into her outfit for the night and threw her heels on.

"LOOK AT YOU!" Sarah gasped with a squeal.

"LOOK AT ME?! LOOK AT YOU!" Raven matched Sarah's energy perfectly, it's one of the ways they work.

"Let's me go get Topper and Rafe, then we can leave, I'm making Topper drive," She smiled and walked out of the room, but Raven followed.

"You know, I'm surprised that Rafe is coming," Raven stood next to Sarah right before she opened Rafe's door.

"I'm not, he'd never pass on a party, no matter if it was for Satan himself," Sarah laughed.

"I mean, I don't think he'd pass a party with Satan, I feel like they'd get along swell."

"Excuse me?" Rafe looked up from his couch.

He was sat back, his right arm draped over the back of the couch. Raven studied his body language, his eyes narrowed, causing her to snap out of whatever daze she was in.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," He rolled his eyes at Raven causing her to scoff.

"I wasn't staring at you I was looking outside."

"Alright stop shoving your tongues down each other's throats I want to get tonight done and over with," Rafe pulled Topper away from Sarah by his shirt collar, pushing him out of the room, Sarah trailing behind him.

"You don't need to come tonight, no one's fucking forcing you," Raven rolled her eyes.

"I'd never pass on a party, especially with Satan," He mocked what she had said earlier, making her blood boil.

"God you fucking infuriate me," She scoffed and somehow passed Sarah and Topper on the stairs, walking out to the car.

"Can you please sit in the back with Raven?" Topper asked Rafe.

"I'd rather you strap me to the roof than have to sit that fucking close to him," Raven huffed, putting her back in the car.

"Well we're not doing that, get in the car," Topper opened the car door for her.

"No," Raven fixed her posture so she was standing up straight, causing Rafe to laugh, "What the fuck is so funny?"

"No matter how much you fix your posture you're still fucking short," He shot back and I wanted to punch him in his face.

"Get in. the car. Raven." Topper was stern with her, he'd use the big brother voice he would put on every once in a while with her.

"I fucking hate you," She rolled her eyes aggressively and got in the car as dramatic as possible.

"I tried to talk him out of making me sit up here I swear," Sarah turned to look at me.

"It's fine, I can deal with it," She playfully rolled my eyes.

"Put your seat belt on," Topper got in the car and started it.

"Fuck you, no," Raven crossed her arms, causing Sarah to laugh.

"Fine, die then, I don't care," Topper huffed and pulled out of the driveway.

"You better be a good girl and listen, put your seat belt on," Rafe whispered in Raven's ear, causing her eyes to widen.

She just shook her head no and he reached over her, grabbing the seat belt and buckling it over her lap.

"Watch yourself," He whispered.

She hated that Rafe Cameron was turning her on, but the way he would whisper to her was different than when they would normally speak. He was more assertive and more dominant. They arrived at Topper's house and Raven had never been so happy to get out of a car. She felt like she couldn't breathe with the tension in that backseat.

"This is like a deb ball in a way, we are presenting you to Kook society," Sarah interlinked her arm with Raven's.

"Thank god I don't have to wear one of those ridiculous fucking dresses and do a ballroom dance," Raven laughed.

"Trust me too, I don't waltz," Sarah opened the front door with a laugh.


I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!! im really excited to write the next two chapters, so I'm going to do that RIGHT NOW

I love you all so so so much <333

OH BTW if a chapter is a smut chapter it will be titled _chapter (chapter number)_ so you guys have a small warning LOL

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