Chapter 6

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"Raven," Sarah appeared next to her causing her to jump, "You like the upstairs guest room furniture right?"

"Uh, yeah, it's gorgeous, why?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

"Well I was just making sure we didn't need to buy different furniture since you're officially becoming a kook, apparently there was some weird ass custody thing that happened with social services, dad was contacted this morning because of me putting him on your emergency contact list when you went to the hospital that one time because of that crazy ass wipe out you had on the beach that one ti-" Sarah started remembered the moment with Raven, remembering how gross it was.

"Sarah get to the point please," Raven let out a small laugh, she knew about the entire CPS thing, Pope had mentioned it when she had seen him making deliveries one day, but she never really knew how far it had gotten.

"Right, anyway, they called him and he agreed to sign those guardian papers when he and Rose get back from vacation even before I had brought up the idea of you possibly living with us, and he is completely fine with it, especially because it keeps Wheezie and I company and he's always gone anyway," She grinned.

Raven couldn't think of any words to say, she just threw her arms around Sarah. She was so beyond grateful for the gesture.

"I made it out," Raven smiled, the thought made her want to cry tears of joy.

"We're gonna be LIVING TOGETHER!" Sarah grinned, "We need to get you new clothes, maybe some artwork for the walls but we can easily find that stuff on Etsy no problem. I'm more excited to help you decorate your room!"

"Thank you, Sarah, really it means a lot."

"I would do anything for you, you know that," She grinned, "we should have a party, a real kook party, just to induct you officially into the lifestyle," she giggled her eyebrows causing Raven to laugh.

"Not tonight though, right? I just know I'm going to be beat after shopping and more shopping and just more shopping," Raven let out a laugh.

"Dad also said that he's going to go to the bank when he gets back, adding you to the account and printing you a card," Sarah added causing Raven to wince she didn't want them spending loads of money on her, "And before you protest, I mentioned you saying you'd get a job and my dad practically vomited at the idea because his logic is that we shouldn't have to work until after we go to college."

"How the hell do I pay for college then?" Raven laughed.

"Oh Raven baby, you have so much to learn about my dad, he throws money at us so he doesn't have to be around, he buys our love," She rolls her eyes.

"And you're just okay with that?" Raven raised an eyebrow.

"I mean yeah it sucks only having Rose around sometimes but I mean at least we have freedom and can buy nice shit."

Sarah was right about that, they were able to buy a lot of nice shit, Raven, if she wanted, was going to be able to buy a lot of nice shit. Then the thought finally rose in her head. Rafe. What the hell was life going to be like living under the same roof as Rafe? The thought made her want to vomit. She could accidentally run into one of his one-night stands, or she didn't even know what. She shook the thoughts away as best she could and focused on her time with Sarah.

Rafe didn't do much during the day, he would work out, drink, and smoke an ass-ton of weed, to drown out everything else that could be wrong in his head. He felt his phone buzz against his leg and audibly groaned when he saw his dad's caller ID come across the screen.

"Hello?" He answered the phone with attitude.

"I need to talk to you about something, and I need you to listen to me," Ward spoke, already set off by his son's attitude.

"I'm listening, what."

"Raven is going to be living at the house for a long whi-" Rafe started to fume from the words he heard.

"Hold on, hold on, did you just say RAVEN will be at the house?" Rafe was pissed, not only did he have to see Raven whenever he was around Top and Sarah but now he was going to have to see her around the house constantly, "Like living here?"

"Calm down, she's done nothing to you, and you need to be at least kosher with her, don't make her hate her life more than you already do," Ward's stern voice just made Rafe angrier.

"W-w-w-what about me being a part of this decision, why wasn't I fucking involved, I live here too," He paced around the living room pulling his hair.

"Rafe even if you were a part of the decision I know for sure you wouldn't've gotten your way and you know what Rafe you won't always get your way," Ward was almost yelling.

"You're letting a stupid fucking Pogue live in our house, OUR house," Rafe was getting angrier by the second.

"Stop with this stupid fucking Pogue/kook shit, it's childish," You could practically hear Ward's eyes roll over the phone, "I'm hanging up now, I was just calling to tell you to lay the hell off of her."

Rafe hung up the phone and threw it across the living room.

"so FUCKING STUPID," He yelled loud enough it managed to echo.

He heard the front door open and whipped around.

"We're home!" Sarah grinned.

"I. Don't care," He watched the two girls walk in with bags on bags around their arms.

"Just thought you'd like to know we didn't get kidnapped," Sarah rolled her eyes, causing Raven to smirk.

He wanted to fuck the smirk right off of her face. Those thoughts started running through his head again, how she'd look on her knees looking up at him, taking his dick in her mouth. He shook his head, and Raven rolled her eyes.

"He's tweaking on coke, come on," Raven scoffed and started up the stairs, causing Rafe to glare at her.

Sarah walked up the stairs in front of Raven, picking up speed when she got closer to her room. Before Raven could take another step, Rafe stepped in front of her grabbing her jaw hard, tilting it up to look at him. She couldn't help that her heart fluttered when he grabbed her.

"You better fucking watch it, or I will fuck your life up," He released her jaw and walked up the stairs.

That interaction sure wasn't going to help the thoughts she started having about him, she had refused to let herself but was unphased by what had just happened, she just didn't know what type of reaction she should've given.


heheheh HELLO EVERYONE!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter 🤭 there is nothing I love more than some good angry sexual tension, don't you ???

i love you all SO much <333

1216 Words! 

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