Chapter 5

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The next morning, Sarah woke up before Raven, but that didn't keep her from getting out of bed. Raven stirred slightly on the pullout and slowly started to wake up.

"Finally," Sarah laughed, and Raven flipped her off while face down on a pillow.

"You're borrowing my clothes, we're getting dressed, and we'll get brunch on the mainland," she smiled at Raven, who loved the sound of the plan, "Take your pick," Sarah walked into her bathroom and started to brush her teeth, walking back into her room. "Vers ah toothbush on the ledge oth va sink forth you," She spoke, with a mouthful of toothpaste, causing Raven to laugh.

"Toothbrush on the edge of the sink for me, got it," She smiled and Sarah nodded walking back into the bathroom to spit the toothpaste out.

"That's how I know you're my best friend, you can understand my gibberish," She laughed, changing into different underwear and shorts.

"You think I'll be good to go no bra?" Raven looked in the mirror holding up two shirts to herself.

"Not with those girls," She laughed.

"Yeah you're right," Raven joined the laughter and chose the cropped tank top that covered her bra straps.

"I don't understand how you don't have a boyfriend yet, there are so many guys drooling over you," Sarah smirked.

"They all want me for only my body, and they're pigs," Raven sighed dramatically, changing into the new shirt, "Gonna have to go to Italy to find myself a real man."

Rafe had walked past the door as Raven said that, scoffing to himself because of how stupid she sounded. Sarah was right, countless guys drooled over Raven, but none interested her. She knew they were all the same, plus she fucked at least half of them and they were far from satisfactory.

"Alright time to go, I am HUNGRY," Raven grabbed her phone off the charger and put it in her back pocket.

"We're leaving Rafe, gonna be back sometime before midnight," Sarah raised her voice, hoping he'd hear but the reak of pot proved the words didn't matter.

"I don't care," He walked into the room, a joint hanging from his mouth.

"Just letting you know just in case we're being held for ransom," Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Believe me, you and I both know I'm the last person you'd call if you were being held," He scoffed and walked out the back door.

"What a prick," Raven sighed and walked to Sarah's passenger door of her car, "Did you know he had a girl come at like 2:30 this morning?"

"doesn't surprise me, he sneaks girls in all the time, but clearly, they don't stay," Sarah laughed.

"Yeah," Raven agreed, mentally sighing, while buckling her seatbelt.

The two girls drove to the docks where the ferry was to take off every hour, like clockwork. They bought two tickets and instantly boarded, taking off not even ten minutes later. When the boat reached the mainland dock, the two walked off laughing, their arms interlinked. They walked to a small cafe known for their brunch and sat down.

"Ms. Cameron," The waiter smiled at her and she nodded, and he smiled at Raven.

"I want an order of strawberry crepes, a thing of french toast for two, a bowl of fruit, andddd," she wiggled her eyebrows at Raven, "at least two rounds of mimosas."

"You know I have to card you," The waiter sighed.

"Lucky for you, my name is Rose and I'm 23 years old," Sarah handed a fake ID, Raven's laugh ringing through the seating area.

"Listen, I do what I gotta do," Sarah laughed and pulled out her phone, "Smile!"

Raven smiled at the phone and then returned the action with her phone. They posted the photos on their Instagram stories and then just talked to each other about random stuff.

"Are you okay? You look like you have something on your mind," Sarah smiled at her.

"Oh yeah no, I'm okay, just, kinda thinking about what John B said yesterday," At least what Raven said wasn't a complete lie, no matter how much she swore off her brother, the words coming from his mouth saying she wasn't his sister hurt her.

"You know what, fuck him, he doesn't deserve you sulking over him, at least you're living your best life, I mean look at you you're hot as hell, living in nice houses," She laughed.

"Sarah, I couch hop, I don't live anywhere," Raven laughed but realized what she had said.

"You should move in with me, we could be like sisters but not related," She sounded serious.

"I don't want to be a burden on your parents-" Raven started but Sarah cut her off.

"I highly doubt it would be a problem, Raven, I mean my dad loves you," Raven winced at that, because the feeling wasn't too mutual he could be an asshole sometimes, "and you're one of my only friends that rose likes," She laughed, "I will make some calls tonight."

"Sarah, are you sure?" Raven wasn't sure of the suggestion, she wasn't sure why, but she just really felt like she was invading.

"the worst that could happen is that you would have to stay at someone else's house like once a month because that's the amount Dad and Rose are home honestly." Sarah laughed, taking a sip of her water.

"I'd get a job- I don't want them like paying for shit for me- I could talk to Pope he doesn't hate me like the others do, I could work with his dad, or god for bid work at Kiara's parents restaurant," I winced at the thought of having to work around Kiara.

"We will get there when we get there, we have to find out how to get your shit from your brother though, I bet Rafe would be more than happy to beat the shit outta them," Sarah took another drink.

Raven loudly laughed, then realized Sarah was serious, "Rafe would never do anything for me."

"That may be but he sure as fuck would love to beat the hell out of them, especially JJ he was caught stealing shit from our garage the other day," Sarah rolled her eyes.

"Well YOU can talk to him about that, I've hit my cap of talking to Rafe for at least three years," Raven took a drink of her water as the food and drinks arrived.

Raven took a drink and realized it was just the orange juice part, "Sarah I hate to break it to you, but he scammed you."

"What?" She raised an eyebrow and took a drink of the orange juice, "Oh you have to be fucking me- you know he's lucky I tip well because otherwise I'd beat the shit outta him, but he has a family, and I'm not Rafe."

Raven laughed at the remark against Rafe, she always appreciated Rafe's slander no matter if he was around or not. The girls finished eating, paid, and embarked on their journey of buying new clothes.

"Hold on my dad is calling, I told him I needed to talk to him, go look around, I'll be in at least five minutes," Sarah walked over a small distance and Raven walked into the boutique.

It sold dresses and other cute clothes that Raven knew were more money than she would make in a year.


Hi everyone!!! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! I'm going to be so honest with you I'm obsessed with this fic and I'm going to be writing so much at once it's insane, so hopefully you guys like it as much as I do but I mean I'm writing this for myself more than anything LMAO

I love you all so much <333

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