Chapter 26

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Raven stood in Rafe's room, causing him to chuckle.

"You can sit," He gestures to the couch.

"Oh cool, cool," She smiled, sitting on the couch.

"Why are you being so awkward," he took a drink of whatever he had in the whiskey glass.

"I've never come in here without being forced to or you like telling me to," She filled her cheeks with air.


"Why what?"

"Why did you come in here, then?" He sat on the couch across from her.

"I'm not tired," She started messing with her fingers, "And like we're friends so I didn't know if you wanted to hang hangout or something," She murmured.

"I mean yeah you can chill in here, I'm not doing anything though," He laughed.

"Cool, cool," She nodded looking around.

"Raven," He let out a genuine laugh.

"Hm?" Her head shot up, looking at him.

"Chill out," He laughed and stood up.

She wanted to protest about how she was chill, but she knew as well as she did that she was being awkward.

"Can I have one?" She picked up a blunt and he nodded.

"I rolled them for you earlier, just forgot to give them to you," He grabbed a beer out of his mini fridge, handing her one.

"Thank you, She smiled, taking the beer, then watched as he sat next to her on the couch, "Light please."

She handed him the blunt, then laid on her back with her head in his lap, watching him light it between his lips. He took a hit of it and then handed it to her exhaling. She took a puff and he started to play with her hair. It was innocent like he didn't even notice he was doing it.

"What happened earlier?" Rafe questioned, taking another hit of the blunt.

"Huh?" She questioned then remembered her slight panic attack in the hallway, "Oh my fucking brother called me, that's all I started because I got really angry."

"Why is he so fucking pissed at you anyway, like he's not the only one that lost a dad-" Rafe rolled his eyes.

"It's because I'd rather be here with you than them," She took a hit of the blunt.

"Me?" He smirked and she rolled her eyes.

"You knew what I meant," She rolled her eyes, trying not to randomly start laughing.

"You meant you looooooooove hanging out with me and that you don't actually hate me, and you like that I roll blunts for you," He teased her.

"I wouldn't say love," She laughed.

"You're not denying it," He smirked, causing her to sigh.

"I guess I enjoy not going at your throat constantly, but hypothetically if I did enjoy hanging out with you, you just have me in here for pity," She laughed.

"I do not?" He acted offended, "If I pitied you, then I would've just given you a blunt I rolled weeks ago and sent you on your way, but nooo, you're in here, laying in my lap, smoking WITH me," He defended himself.

"Oh whatever," She laughed rolling her eyes.

"Need me to go beat the shit out of your brother?" He asked.

"No, let him live in his fucking delusions, he called to tell me our dad could still be alive," She rolled her eyes.

"Do you believe it or not?" He questioned.

"Not," She let out a loud laugh, "Has he left you alone today?"

"Who?" He questioned.

"Your dad, has he left you alone today?" She asked.

"I mean, no, but I don't ignore him," He laughed.

"I'm here for you like you are for me, you know that, right?" She looked up at him and he looked down at her.

"I know," He nodded, placing the blunt between her lips, then smoothing her hair.

She nodded and took another hit, the two just sitting there in comfortable silence. She gave the boy a tired smile and sat up slowly.

"Goodnight, Raven," He took her blunt from her, putting it out.

"Goodnight, Rafe," She kissed his cheek, then left his room.

He sat there for a second, then got up, changing then getting in bed. He turned off the night and then stood there for a second.

"Oh fuck this," He left his room quietly and went into Raven's room, slipping in.

"What-" She turned to him, and he grabbed her face gently.

"Shut up," He kissed her gently, their lips pulling away from the kiss slowly, and his free hand interlocking with one of her hands, "Don't miss next time."

Their hands lingered until he was far enough away to break their hold. He walked out of her room and Raven fell onto her bed, putting a pillow over her face, and squealing. In the morning, she woke up before Weezie and Sarah, so she snuck back into Wheezie's room and just sat in the hanging chair, scrolling through Reddit on her phone.

"Wow, you're awake before me for once," Sarah sleepily spoke, letting out a laugh.

"Yeah, I just really wasn't tired last night, so it was hard for me to sleep anymore," She smiled at Sarah.

"Well, Dad wants to take me out today, a whole daddy-daughter thing he does every few months with Weezie and I, I don't get why, do you wanna come? You're his kid now," She laughed.

"No, no, that's your guys' thing, I'll stay here and give Rose a headache or something, I don't know," Raven laughed.

"Oh she'll just LOVE that," Sarah laughed, getting out of bed.

"Nah, I'm just going to stay quiet, like I do best," Raven smiled.

"If I don't see you before I leave, I'll see you later then," She hugged her and she hugged her back.

Raven left and went into Rafe's room without knocking. She saw him still asleep, causing her to smile. She took a photo of him quickly to blackmail him later, knowing that he'd done it to her. 


Hello everyone!!! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!

I love you all so so so much <333

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