Chapter 30

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"You know, I could just push you into the water right now," Rafe nudged her while they walked.

"Please don't," She quickly moved to the other side of him.

He moved closer to her, causing her to start running him chasing after her.

"RAFE NO!" She was laughing hard, slowing down because of how hard she was laughing.

He caught up to her grabbing her from behind causing her to scream while she was laughing.

"PUT ME DOWN!" She couldn't stop laughing, and neither could he

"Into the water, Raven," He walked closer to the water, taunting her.

"No, no no no no, "She clung to Rafe so he couldn't throw her, but he kept walking towards the bar, "Put me down now."

"Okay, fine," He rolled his eyes.

He put Raven down on the sand and they continued walking to the bar, talking with each other.

"Fuck," Raven stopped in her tracks, JJ and John B were sitting at the bar and she froze.

"Nope, don't let them ruin this, come on," He snaked his arm around her waist and walked in through the back.

"My name is Kyle, I'll be your server today, please have a fake ID, I don't wanna get yelled at again," Kyle rolled his eyes, causing Raven to let out a small laugh, "What would you guys like?"

"Can I have an old fashioned please?" Raven didn't even look at the small list of drinks.

"I would love to get a Long Island?" Rafe nodded at the guy.

"Yeah they'll be out soon, act as if I carded you, I don't give a shit," He walked away and both Raven and Rafe laughed.

Raven kept glancing over at her brother, thankfully both him and JJ not knowing she was there.

"Hey, ignore them," Rafe put his foot on Raven's bringing her a sense of comfort.

"I wanna kill them," She sighed, picking at a peanut shell.

"Maybe another night," He let out a small laugh.

"Can I ask you a question?" Raven looked up from the peanut shell she picked apart.

"Depends," He looked into her eyes.

"Do you plan on living here forever, like, you know, dying here and shit," She gave a small smile to him.

"Uhm, I don't know, why? Are you?"

"I don't know, sometimes I just think about fleeting to a foreign country and just staying there forever and restarting life," Raven let out a small laugh.

"Sounds reasonable," He nodded, "Get away from all the pressure of whatever the fuck this is."

"Yeah," Raven smiled at him.

This was another way that she just knew he understood her, he didn't need to ask questions about why she had the thought of leaving sometimes, and that was nice. OBX wasn't paradise on earth for Raven, it was a living hell, but with Rafe, the heat of it all was a little more bearable.

"Here are your drinks, just like throw the glass if you want another or come behind the bar and get it yourself, I don't give a shit, I just work here," Kyle came back with the drinks, Raven taking a quick sip from hers.

"We sound at least twenty-five going out for drinks to hang out, I hope you know that," Raven let out a laugh.

"We sound like we're twenty f- shut up Raven," Rafe mocked her causing her to laugh with some drink in her mouth, it coming out her nose.

"Jesus Christ Raven," Rafe laughed at her, wiping her face off.

"Don't make me fucking laugh then," She continued to laugh, smiling at him.

"You have a nice smile, Raven," Rafe complimented her and she put her head down.

"Not very friends with benefits of you Rafe," She smirked.

"I can't compliment my friends?" Rafe asked.

"We both know you're lying," Raven took another sip of her drink, and he just stared at her, studying her.

The bar was quiet tonight they were the only people there now, since John B and JJ left, thank god. After they finished their drinks, they put the money for them on the table and then left because they were both bored with the location.

"The stars look so dull over here," Raven looked up at the sky.

"It's because of the lights, when we get further down the beach they'll show up," Rafe looked up.

"Oh you're right," She walked, looking up at the sky.

"You know stars," He looked up at the stars.

"Yeah," She smiled.

"What are those?"

"That's Orion right there," She pointed up as he paid attention, "Then that's the big and little dipper, they connect to each other."

"You paid attention in science," He laughed, causing her to smile.

"Yeah, then I read a whole bunch about stars and other shit," She laughed.

"At least you learned something."

Their hands brushed together and slowly interlocked. The two walked up to the house, hand and hand still, slowly and quietly walking into the house.

"I'll come through your window, just wait a minute," Rafe whispered, causing Raven to quietly laugh.

The two parted ways for a few seconds, changing into more comfortable clothes. Raven put on shorts and a soft tank top and lay in bed looking at her phone. She heard her window open and looked over at it, laughing at the sight of him coming in.


"Your tall ass coming through a window is just funny that's all," She laughed.

"I'm going to get a bad back because of you," He smirked and she gave him a wide smile.

"Oh well," She shrugged, making him laugh.

He laid down on her bed with her, his face at armpit level, his arms wrapped around her.

"I need to get you more flowers soon," He looked over at the wilting roses in the vase.

"I thought you said you didn't know what I was talking about."

"And you knew they were from me, so shut up," He laughed.

"Not very friends with benefits of you," She rolled her eyes.

"Then we aren't anymore."


HELLO MY LOVES !!! I HOPE YOU ALL ENJOYED THIS CHAPTER <333 I'm sorry I left it on a cliff hanger :')

I love you all so much <333

1041 Words!

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