Informal Letter #7

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TOPIC: Your cousin is visiting your country and you're telling your friend about her/him.

Dear [friend's name],

Hi! What've you been up to? Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner but I just couldn't get round to it. How did your dancing show turn out? I bet you took their breath away!

Believe it or not, my cousin, [name], stayed over for a week and I can't wait to tell you all about it. You remember her/him, right? You met him/her 5 years ago before he/she moved to Canada. Well, as it turns out, her/his parents had to come to [your country] for work and he/she came along to stay at my place. Unbelievable, right? Remember how cool he/she was? Not much has changed there!

Of course, the first thing we did was catch up. He's/She's seeing someone and can't stop talking about him/her. Honestly, she prefers living in [your country] and missed the beach like crazy. So, we spent most of our afternoons swimming and sunbathing. We went down memory lane and he/she even asked about you. Actually, he's/she's planning on visiting again this summer. You've got to join us! You know we'll have a blast, the three of us back together again!

Anyway, got to go now, mum's nagging me to do the washing up. Write back soon and let me know your plans for this summer. Can't wait!


[Your name]

[228 words]

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