Report #6

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TYPE OF REPORT: Issue: Causes & Effects

Bullying in our School


The aim of this report is to discuss bullying in our school by highlighting the causes and effects of this problem as well as making suggestions to solve the issue.


According to many students, it has been observed that the majority of bullies imitate their violent environment at home since that was how they were brought up. Hence, it is a natural instinct for them to adopt such behavior. Moreover, bullies seem to seek power over their classmates because they get to have the upper hand by instilling fear in others. Therefore, they can hide their insecurities.


It has been noted that a hostile environment is created in class since victims feel rejected and alienated. As a result, marry bunk off school and have their grades drop, too. Furthermore, victims lose confidence and feel weak, as well, because of the disrespect and humiliation they are faced with. Thus, they tend to develop serious psychological issues.


Overall, our school is seriously affected by bullying, which should be addressed. Therefore, I would recommend providing students with an effective way to report cases of bullying anonymously as well as punishing whoever showcases such violent behaviour.

[ 200 words (title & subheadings included)]

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