Report #8

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TYPE OF REPORT: Issue: Causes & Effects

Late to School


The aim of this report is to discuss students arriving late to class by highlighting its causes and effects as well as making recommendations on how to solve this issue.


According to many students, there is too much traffic in the morning because all the students in our town need to be at school at the same time. Therefore, the roads are full of cars and it takes longer to get to school. Moreover, many students oversleep because lessons start too early. Therefore, even when students do show up to class, they feel tired.


It has been noted that when students are late, they disrupt the lesson because all the attention goes to them. Hence, the teacher must resume the lesson and maintain discipline in class. Additionally, the students miss out on important information because the teacher is obliged to start the lesson on time. Consequently, the material must be repeated to ensure everyone progresses at the same pace.


All in all, students arrive late because classes start too early and teachers must repeat the lesson to make sure gaps in their knowledge are not created. Therefore, I would recommend our school starts one hour later than other schools. That way, no one will be stuck in traffic or feel tired.

[ 219 words (title & subheadings included)]

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