Formal Article #2

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TYPE OF ARTICLE: Single Topic: Benefits & Drawbacks.

TOPIC: Learning things from/at school.

Note: This article could easily be used if you were given 2 topics (education at school vs. learning at home) and asked to say which one is more 'significant' and 'impactful'. However, the title and the topic sentence of the 2nd paragraph should be changed!

Education in School: A Blessing or a Curse?

We can all agree that we learn a lot at school, right? On the one hand, formal education is crucial to finding a job, whilst on the other, you can learn things such as good behavior only from family and friends.

Without a doubt, there are numerous benefits to attending school. To begin with, you are given all the certificates you need to do your dream job, as you take specific, objectively graded exams. Hence, you will be skilled and qualified enough in your area of expertise. Additionally, you get to develop important skills passively, such as critical thinking, expression and research. Thus, you become well-rounded and independent.

However, one must agree not everything can be learnt/learned at school. For starters, ethics and right behaviour are too subjective to be evaluated and taught, since they're passed down from family and friends at a young age. Moreover, things such as love and life lessons can be learnt/learned only outside school because one must experience things for themselves to really understand, instead of trying to comprehend given explanations.

To conclude, although you leave school all mature at best, some things can only be learnt/learned through trial and error. I believe education should be sought regardless of whether it is at school or not.

[219 words (title included)]

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