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A few days later

Mayumi was now settled in her father's house. She is the one who takes care of most of the things.

Panda was really happy to have her since he didn't feel lonely anymore. Mayumi always played with him, she taught him a lot of things and she gave the best hugs!

Yaga was also really happy. He was quite surprised at how quickly Mayumi took everything under her control. After she came, the house was cleaner and neater. She was caring towards him and always smiley with him and panda

The first day she came, he had difficulty believing that she matured so quickly. But nonetheless, he was glad

Now that she is in charge of the house, he could see how the previous house keeper was neglecting the house

When the house keeper won't listen to her, Mayumi clearly shows her the door. Then called her mom and arranged a new house keeper who was listening to her.

(She was respectful towards the house keepers and just asked her to do as she said )

Now looking at the clean and tidy house he could see that. She even made a personal nutritious diet for him.

Everyday she will wait by the door. As soon as she sees him her eyes will light up and a small smile will come to her lips. She and panda will always scream " Okaerinasai " as soon as he enters the room

It always makes him feel happy and all of the hard work feels Worth it

Now they are all sitting at the living room, when panda suddenly asked

"Nee-chan, why don't you train with us?"

Mayumi hummed, still reading a storybook

"Because I don't wanna be a jujutsu Sorcerer. I just wanna be a doctor or researcher. "

Panda looked thoughtful while while Yaga looked kinda proud

"What kind of research do you wanna do, nee-chan?"

Again, she didn't look up from her book

"I want to create poisons that will kill curses"

Yaga's head snapped at Mayumi's direction when he heard Mayumi say that. He stared at her with wide eyes before hastily asking

"You wanna create what Mayumi?"

She finally looked up from her book. looking right at yaga's eyes, she answered with her regular poker face

"I want to create substances that will hold an immense amount of cursed energy and will be able to exorcise any curses"

Yaga was shocked, he gently grabbed her by the shoulder and asked

"Mayumi, you don't even have a cursed technique, dear. I am sorry but that is impossible "

She still had her poker face on as she replied

"I have a cursed technique. I can heal people's wounds and diseases. Even broken bones and ribs. And I know what I am capable of. Maybe not as well as you know what you're capable of but I have a fair idea and theory to what I am capable of"

" Y- you can heal?"

She nodded

"Yes dad, nee-chan is telling the truth. I have seen her heal wounds before"

Yaga looked at panda, still shocked

"She did?"

"Yeah, it was the day before yesterday-


Mayumi was going through Yaga's bookshelf, looking for books to read so that she can understand what her cursed technique is. She for sure could see curses. And even though people said she didn't have a cursed technique, she refused to believe it

It felt like she knew something, she could tell she had a cursed technique but she just couldn't put a finger on it

Suddenly she heard a yell. She quickly rushed downstairs. Only to see the housekeeper holding her hand and sobbing. There was a deep cut on the right side of her left hand

It looked like she was in a lot of pain

Panda must've heard the scream and rushed down too

"What is the matter, miss ?"

Her eyes were tightly closed. It was clear as daylight that she was scared and in pain

Before she knew what she was doing her hand hovered over the woman's hand, her hand started to glow green. Panda and the woman watched mesmerized as the cut slowly started to heal. The skin tissues started to come together and in a moment, the cut was healed. There wasn't even a scratch left

The woman examined her hand and it was completely okay. As if there wasn't a cut to start with

"Wow, nee-chan! How did you do that?"

Again, Mayumi's body worked on its own again and said

"This is my cursed technique. I can heal any type of curses"

They just nodded not knowing what to do

Even Mayumi was thinking how she got their

End of Flashback

"That's how she did, you can ask miss ikeda if you don't believe us"

Panda says

Yaga was left speachless. Not knowing what to do. He didn't respond. Mayumi saw a few scratches on his arms and brought her hand over them. Her hands started to glow green as she healed them

Yaga just stared at his clear skin with a shocked look on his face

"Mayumi, dear, how do you learn to do this?"

She just shrugged

" I don't know how but I just have it. I don't quite remember how I did learn though "

Mayumi said as if it was the most natural thing in the world while her father was freaking out

"Is that reverse cursed technique?"

"I don't think so. It's different from reverse cursed technique..... That's why I want to be a doctor, dad"

Mayumi proudly says.

Yaga smile's and nods his head. Mayumi also gets busy with panda and the book in her hand. But Yaga also sighed,

"Looks like she's growing up faster than I thought "

He thought it with a slight smile

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