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When Geto and Mayumi got out of their room to meet with the others for breakfast, everyone gave them a look. Especially Shoko.

She was so mad, she thought Mayumi was never gonna let these two touch her.....

Well guess she was wrong

Mayumi just quietly sat on the couch with her ever resting poker face. She was so glad she knew how to control her emotions, or else she would have been blushing like a mad woman now

And to make it worse, Geto was sitting with her closely. His arm wrapped around her waist till his hand on her thigh

She was sure, Geto was getting consent side eyes and dirty looks from the group. Especially from Utahime and Shoko

Haibara looked embarrassed, Nanami looked like he was done with everything and Mei Mei looked intrigued

"Where is Satoru-nii-chan?"

Mayumi softly asked Haibara

She just wanted to get out of this situation. It was uncomfortable how everyone was looking at her. And her dear looked like he couldn't care less

"Senpai is still in his room. Maybe a little hungover from last night or maybe he's still sleeping"

Haibara said with his signature grin. Warm as the sunshine

Mayumi gave him a grateful smile before telling Geto

"I'll go wake up nii-chan"

He looked up from his phone and smiled at her


Mayumi literally ran out of there as soon as she could

Now that Mayumi was gone, Shoko glared at Geto. With a scoff she started

"Really, Suguru? Mayumi again?"

Geto smile instently replaced with a serious look. He just raised his eyebrow to ask what she meant

"She is Yaga sensei's daughter. What will you tell him? That you're fucking his daughter who you watched growing up?"

Shoko asked in displeasure

His serious face paused as a small smile stretched on his face

"Do you really think sensei would be comfortable with a complete stranger dating my princess compared to me?"

His question left them stunned

"You're dating her!? "

He just hummed

"But isn't she a bit too young for you Geto-kun?"

Mei Mei asked, a little confused as why a grown man like Geto would want Mayumi as his girlfriend

"No, she is sixteen (the legal age of consent in Japan) that's all I need. Plus I think we all can agree she's much more mature than any of us.. maybe except Nanami"

This made them stop for a bit before Haibara quietly asked

"I don't want Mayumi-chan to get hurt, senpai. She's like my baby sister. Please, don't break her heart "

Geto's eyes softened

"I would never do anything to ask her, Haibara. Just like you, she's done so much for me that I can't ever repay her debt in this life. I really love her and can see myself spending the rest of my life with her "

Everyone was left speachless. They couldn't argue anymore. Because, what can you even say to that?

They knew Geto Suguru didn't lie in matters like this. Nanami, Haibara and Shoko had seen how carefully and delicately he'd always acted around and with Mayumi. It was clear he was in love with her, but they just didn't see it

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