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Mayumi went home late at night. She had a lot of work piled up. It was exhausting to do so much at once. But it has to be done

As soon as she came and locked her room, she started to chuckle to herself. A deep blush spread on her face as she remembered what happened with Geto that day

She was actually really happy. She wasn't mad at all

Like, who wouldn't be happy to have such a handsome man like Geto Suguru pining over themselves?

He was the definition of perfection. He was sweet, kind and respectful. Plus had one of the most handsome face she'd ever seen

Mayumi went to her pillow and screamed to herself

She had her first kiss and first time! And it was perfect, with the right person. A person she could rely on, a person who loves her, a person who respects her from every aspect and a person who would protect her with his life

A person who made her feel safe, loved and desired .

But she could tell he was a little bit embarrassed and scared that something might change between her and him

It wouldn't, she wouldn't let it. They will be like before. Always together be together like when she was a mare child

So she picked up her phone and called him


After Mayumi left, Geto's mind cleared up. It took him some time to realize what he had done and whom he had done it with

But when he did, he got the scare of his life

He tried to call her but she didn't pick up. (Because of work. Nothing more or less) He started to freak out.

Because well, he thought she was gonna regret everything after her lust stop clouding her mind and think he took advantage of her.

He felt suffocated when he thought about Mayumi hating him. He didn't think he could live if she truly hates him

"No, she'll not hate me, right? She can't, she loves me too. How can she leave me... Yeah, she won't. I know she won't -

He thought to himself and roughly ruffled his long hair in frustration

"But what if she does? What if she doesn't forgive me? She didn't want this?.... How will I live without her? God! Why the fuck couldn't I keep myself together!"

Then he went blaming himself, he cursed himself repeatedly until his thoughts went dark

"If she tries to leave me.... I won't allow it. I will take her away from everything and everyone. She'll be with me. We'll make love every night and day. I'll take her to the point she'll never even think of leaving me-

Now, he was angry. All of his thoughts were going in such a dark path that he didn't even notice he was smiling sadisticly

But all of his thoughts came to and hult when his phone rang. He growled, looking at the phone. But his mood instently became nervous when he saw who was calling him

It was Mayumi

He was hesitant, but then quickly picked up the call

"Hello there, princess"

He tried to sound normal but Mayumi Could hear the nervousness in his voice clearly

"Hey, Suguru-nii-san. What are you doing? Sorry I was busy and couldn't pick your call"

"Yeah, nothing much. You're still awake "

"Yeah, those higher ups gave me a truck load of work. I don't like it. I just returned now. I am so tired "

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