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After hearing what Mayumi said all of the students were left speechless and horrified. But that fear quickly turned to rage. Gojo slammed his hand on the table, making Mayumi flinch slightly

Geto was also gritting his teeth, same goes for Nanami. Shoko was biting her nails and Haibara looked like he was still in denial

All of them knew that the higher ups can be disgusting. But this was even low for them

Being a jujutsu Sorcerer, doing whatever they told your to do, you can atleast expect them to be careful and let you live and ensure your safety as much as they can, right?

Apparently not

They didn't even know what to say and do. What was even more confusing is Mayumi was saying all of this little she couldn't care less. They did understand it wasn't her fault. She truly cares about them but it was just how she was. Emotionless and stone faced

Mayumi really didn't want get in-between their spite so she went to Haibara and tugged on his shirt. He looked down at her

"Do you want me to break the seal?"

Even though everyone was going through extreme emotions, everyone looked at Mayumi

"What do you mean, Mayumi?"

Gojo asked

She looked at Gojo, her face netural as ever. There wasn't any emotion present on her face as she told

"I am talking about the seal I put on them. The seal that doesn't allow to get them hit by any cursed energy.... Well cursed energy stops working on them and can't come closer to their skin"

By the time Mayumi was done speaking, everyone in the room was gwaking at her in pure disbelief and shock

Geto quickly picked her up and sat her down on the table they were sitting. Gojo went and closed the door tightly before coming back to where everyone was

"Mayumi-chan..... You're the one who made that.... The reason why no cursed energy affected us?"

Mayumi just innocently nodded her head as if she didn't just drop a bomb on them

"Mayumi-chan, who taught you to do that?"

Shoko asked

"No one. When I heard them plan about the mission, I made a decision that I will make a seal similar to the one I made. I researched and worked on it for a few days, tried a few methods and some common seals and I successfully made my own"

They were shocked to the core. how can a child, a literal 7 year old child do all of this.

This wasn't something that was normal. They understood that much but to be honest, Mayumi was never anything Normal

She was a kid who liked to act emotionless, interest were something also like much more adultish. But this was still something quite shocking

"Okay, how did you make it?"

Shoko carefully asked, making Mayumi look at her with confused eyes

"It was something I had to connect with my blood and a seal that was made with positive and negative cursed energy. It is quite close to the Kamo clan's blood manipulation technique. Why do you ask?"

Shoko gulped down the lump on her trout and asked her

"How did you know it would work? Did you test it?"

Mayumi shook her head

"I tested it once on my dog."

Geto, Nanami and Gojo deadpaned at her. While Haibara and shoko looked like they were questioning their entire existence

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