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Mayumi was there, horrified as both Gojo and Geto kept glaring at each

"What's your problem, Suguru? And what are you doing here?"

Gojo asked, creasing his eyebrows in displeasure

Geto's glare only intensified when he said that

"What fuck do you think I am doing here? You're the one who called me and Shoko to come and hangout, you dumbass!"

Geto hissed under his breath, glaring daggers at gojo's head

Gojo's eyes went wide. He just remembered that he wanted everyone to spend time with each other

Shoko, Haibara and Nanami stood there, stunned and speechless. They were astonished at the sight of their former sensei's daughter and their friend in that intimate position

"Now answer me, What the fuck were you doing with my girl, you fucking bastard?"

Gojo's eyes widened when Geto asked that. Looking at him with confused eyes. He didn't understand what his best friend was trying to tell him

"What do you mean by your girl? That's Mayumi. My Aisuru. I was doing everything with her consent "

Geto's eyebrows twitched, he was clenching his fists so hard that his knuckles were turning white.

"Like hell she's yours! She's mine. She told me she is.... If something really happened between you two... I'm...I am sure you caught her off guard "

Gojo glared back just as heatedly. He was also gritting his teeth in anger

"Oh yeah? I don't think so. Why don't you ask her if I'm lying? And why would she go for you when she has me? I am the strongest and much more good looking than you. Why the fuck would she go for you!?"

He said, a smug grin on his face. He plopped his leg over, looking up at his best friend with a raised eyebrow. But his grin faltered a bit when Geto also smirked

"Oh really now? If you're so much better, why did she lose her virginity to me, huh?"

As soon as those words left Geto's mouth, everyone in the room snapped their eyes at Mayumi. Their eyes wide with disbelief

When Gojo's eyes met with her, she couldn't take it. She looked away, confirming all Geto's claims. She just closed her eyes as tears streamed down her cheeks, wanting this humiliation to just end already

To say Gojo felt horrible would be an understatement. He felt betrayed by two of the most important people in his life

But Geto didn't stop there

"If you're so better than me, why am I her first kiss, Satoru? Why did she entrust me with her most priced position when you're so much better? (Chuckle) What, Satoru? Cat caught your tongue now?"

His smirk was like a slap on Gojo's face. He tried to look back at Mayumi, the girl he loved the most, the one who he just made love to, his eyes silently begging for her to deny all this

But she didn't even look back. She jmwas just so ashamed. How could she make a mistake like this when she knew how both of them felt about her, how could she let her lust cloud her judgement?

As these drama unfolded, Shoko, Haibara and Nanami just stood there. Not knowing how to react to this at all

"Face it Satoru, she loves me more, she trusts me more. Mayumi was mine, is mine and will always be mine. Just because she gave into you this once doesn't mean anything. Because I will be the one she'll always come back to. Her choices proves that perfectly

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