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A few days later

Again, the house keeper was a little sick so her father brought her and panda to jujutsu high. He went to work, leaving the two small babies outside.

He really didn't think too much of it as both of his children are well behaved. They didn't ever make a scene, weren't rude to anyone and never got themselves into trouble.

But since he was still a little worried, he told the first years to take care of the two babies.

"Say, Mayumi-chan, panda-kun, what do you like more, chocolate or ice cream?"

Haibara asked

" I like chocolate "

Panda said

"Anything is fine with me"

Mayumi said

She was playing with Chess with Nanami. Very concentrated, not paying attention to anything else

"You're no fun, Mayumi-chan!"

Haibara childishly whined

"I am sorry?"

Mayumi said, confused as to why he got upset

"Don't mind him, Mayumi-chan. He's always like that. You can concentrate on our game"

Mayumi nodded when Nanami said that

Then suddenly they heard a loud voice say

"Hello there my cute little kohai"

Both Nanami and Mayumi growled audibly. Mayumi slapped her face on her hands, a tired sigh leaving her

"Oh we have guests"

Gojo said when he noticed Panda and Mayumi

Mayumi quickly got up and grabbed panda's paw. And made him sit really close to herself

"I am not taking any chances with my baby brother... Not anymore!"

She thought to herself

"Hello Mayumi-chan"

Mayumi looked up, and nodded her head before bowing

"It's nice to see you again, Geto-nii-san"

Geto smiled and ruffled her hair

To be honest, he really liked the little girl. She is intelligent, caring and loving. But it was a little nerve wracking to be with her in the same room. Because she rarely shows any emotion, it's so hard to know what she's thinking or what she will do

But nonetheless, the girl was nice to be around. The most well behaved kid he had ever seen

On the other hand, Gojo really didn't enjoy the girl's presence at all. It was like she liked everyone except him. Which made him really angry. This is the only kid that ever happens to insult him so casually

Even now, as soon as she saw him, she rolled her eyes. As if he was some kind of nuisance

"Say, Mayumi-chan, do you want to be a jujutsu Sorcerer?"

Haibara asked

Mayumi answered her question, still looking at the Chess bord

"No. I want to be a healer"

Everyone looked at her, a little shocked. The way She behaved, it was quite normal to think she would want to be a jujutsu Sorcerer. But apparently not

"What? I thought you wanted to work with jujutsu Sorcerers"

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