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A month later

Mayumi is now really close to everyone in jujutsu high. But she was mostly close to Haibara and Gojo. She visits quite frequently. Even Geto and Nanami was very fond of her

Surprisingly, although many people didn't know about it but Gojo and Mayumi's birthday was the same day

7 December

Gojo Satoru was exactly 10 years older than Mayumi

Yaga thought it would a lovely idea to celebrate Mayumi's birthday with his dear students. Since his dear daughter already adored all of them

He thought His ex wife was also coming so it would be nice to just introduce everyone. But he didn't have the slightest idea that Gojo's birthday was the same day

So he made up plans to surprise her and everything. Haibara, Nanami and Shoko along with utahime helped the most. Geto and Gojo were busy with their missions like always

So while the whole school was getting everything ready, Gojo and Geto were sitting in a car

"I can't wait to go back from this mission, Suguru! Like, who fights with disgusting curses on their birthday?"

Gojo said with a roll of his eyes

"I guess you're right, Satoru. But as the strongest, we must -

"Okay okay, I get it. We are the strongest and have to protect people's asses all the time. I know! But please don't start on my birthday, Suguru. Let me live in peace this one day "

Gojo rolled his eyes even harder this time, Geto just sighed before nodding his head

Just then Haibara called Geto

As soon as Gojo saw it, he grinned and arrogant grin and he snatched the phone from his hand and put it on speaker phone

"Haibara, my dear kohai!"

"Gojo senpai!"

Haibara exclaimed with the same amount of excitement. Gojo was about to tell him about his birthday when Haibara rushingly said

"Senpai, are you two out of the mission yet? Will you be able to make it before evening?"

Gojo blinked, the grin still on his face

"Yeah, we are-

"Great! Senpai don't forget to get a gift for Mayumi-chan. I thought it would be good to remind you"

Now both Gojo and Geto were confused. They looked at each other before Geto asked

"Why Haibara? Is there a celebration or something?"

"Senpai, you don't know? No one informed you?"

"Informed us what, Haibara?"

Geto asked, a little worried that maybe Mayumi might have gotten hurt or something. Gojo was equally if not more worried

"Oh today is Mayumi-chan's 7th birthday"

Both of their eyes waiden

"And Yaga sensei is managing to have a small party here in the school. We got permission today. Oh, coming kento! Senpai I have to go, we are decorating. Please come as soon as you can"

And before they could say anything, he hung up

Gojo didn't what to feel at first before getting a sour feeling. Geto could tell Gojo was getting upset and tried to calm him down

"Satoru -

"Great! She had to have the same birthday date as mine! Now everyone will be busy with her!"

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