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After the birthday party Gojo's behavior towards Mayumi had a 360 turn. He was clinging to her like a baby koala 🐨

no matter how many times Yaga screamed at him or bonked his head, no matter what Suguru said, no matter how many time panda growled at him for taking away his nee-chan Gojo would still cling on to her

He would tell her everything. To his mission details of the most random things. Everyone felt bad for the little girl

But whoever would try to stop him, Gojo would throw a temper tantrum saying

"You all want to steal her away from me! I won't let that happen, she's mine!"

No one knew how to react when he would say things like that but Geto seemed really triggered by these kinds of remarks

"She isn't yours, Satoru. Stop spouting nonsense"

Geto would snap and Gojo would just scoff

"You're just jealous that she likes me more"

"That's not true!"

Geto snapped back at him

"Oh but it is"

Gojo said smugly

"Okay, let's ask her.see who she prefers"

Geto said and the both of them looked at the poor child who was trying to have some fun time with her furry brother

She looked back at the two teenage boys, who were smiling down at her. She sighed heavily

"I don't believe in favoritism. You both are equally liked"

With that, she went to play with her brother

While both of looked like she'd betrayed them

Yaga had enough for the day

"Okay, you little brats. For the hundredth time, Leave my daughter alone. Like seriously, she's just trying to mind her own business. Can you two not!?"

Both of the students made a face as if yaga had just tore their hearts out. On the other hand, the other students were sweat droping. Nanami just sighed

"I sympathize with, little Mayumi. How is she even handling all of this? Those two are acting crazy"

Utahime said with a roll of her eyes

"I never thought Geto senpai would act like this. Gojo's senpai I still could understand, but Mayumi-chan hasn't even talked to Geto senpai that much "

Haibara said, looking at the bizarre trio

Gojo was again talking to Mayumi. She just stared at him with a poker face, occasionally nodding her head or shaking it to disagree with him

She didn't look she was bothered. But they couldn't tell because Mayumi rarely gave any expression in general.

Geto huffed and came back to the group. He folded his arms and was still glaring at Gojo

Shoko crinkled his nose in displeasure

"Suguru, your better than this. Why are you suddenly so obsessed with Mayumi? Gojo I understand, she gave him a meaningful birthday but why are you like this?"

Shoko asked, still crinkling her nose

Geto paused, a small smile came it's way to his lips as he remembered a encounter with the little girl


Geto found Mayumi sitting alone in the cafeteria, with her coloring book. She looked really concentrated

Devotion of Life || Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru Where stories live. Discover now