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As said, Mayumi went with her father, Geto and Gojo

Yaga wasn't really fond of the idea of taking Mayumi to a clans meeting but he thought, since Gojo and Geto were already there he allowed it. I mean, who would hurt her anyway. She was well behaved

"Mayumi-chan, can you stay here for a bit, till the meeting is over?"

Mayumi just nodded when Geto said that

They wanted to leave her here in a very beautiful garden. It was fully packed with flowers. Many kinds and colorful. It was only for half an hour so she didn't mind

Geto smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead, something that became a very common thing between them. He always kissed her good bye on the forehead

"Bye bye, little Mayumi-chan!"

Utahime said

After coming to the meeting they also met Utahime and Mei Mei. They decided to tag along with the Kyoto jujutsu high principal

Mayumi smiled and byed them good bye 👋🏼

Now she was left in an extremely beautiful garden. She didn't mind, of course. She started to roam around. Geto gave her his phone, just in case she needed something

Plus the meeting place, I mean the house wasn't even that far away from the garden. If you scream a little loudly, it could be heard clearly

So she was pretty much safe. So she started to roam around, the bright colored flowers making her extremely happy and calm

But as she went to inspect the yellow coloured flowers, she noticed there was another kid there. A very young kid, no way older than 5 years

As she noticed a little more, the boy had whitish silver hair and was wearing a dark purple shirt.

He looked lonely. Mayumi felt a little bad for him and went closer to him

"Hello, I am Mayumi"

The boy got startled and quickly looked back. As he looked back, Mayumi's bright magenta eyes met with soft purple ones

 As he looked back, Mayumi's bright magenta eyes met with soft purple ones

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and she instantly knew who it was. She internally squealed seeing our baby onigiri boy.

Yes, my dear readers, it was inumaki Toge.

Mayumi had to take a breath because she wanted to weep. He was just too cute. But for some reason, he looked scared of her

So she softly smiled at the soft boy. Gently patting his head. He slightly flinched but then was looking at her with wide eyes

"Don't be scared. I won't hurt you, I just wanna be your friend. I am Mayumi. Can I know your name?"

He looked hesitant at first. Mayumi gave him an encouraging smile, making him a little more comfortable with the conversation

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