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As promised, Mayumi was taking Gojo and Geto somewhere they didn't know. All they knew was it was a surprise and they would like where she was taking them

Both of them found it quite weird that no one mentioned anything about yesterday. Not Mayumi, not even Mishka

Now they were sitting on the couch in the Yaga mantion, waiting for Mayumi to get ready

After a few minutes, Mishka came and sat down with them. The always present smile still there on her face

"So Geto and Gojo-kun, since Mayumi is getting ready, lets get to know each other. Tell something about yourselfs"

They smiled at the kind woman

"Well, we both are 17 years old. We read in jujutsu high. We are special grades. Yaga sensei's students..... That's all that is coming in mind right now"

Mishka nodded before asking

"What about your parents?"

Gojo slightly flinched before answering

"I.... Don't think I'm comfortable talking about them but I can say they aren't good people "

Mishka's eyes softened. She felt bad for the young man. Everyone deserves a loving home and family

"My parents are at my home country. They are both government workers. In a good position in life "

Mishka nodded

But then Gojo asked curiously

"Don't mind me asking miss, Mayumi-chan told me you are Russian?"

Mishka chuckled and nodded

"Yes I am fully Russian. Didn't you see, I even speak Russian with my family including Mayumi. My parents even speak in our mother tongue with Mayumi"

Both of the boys now looked really intrigued

"How did you meet Yaga sensei then?"

She hummed

"Well, I was 15 when I met him first. He was on a mission in Russia. The mission involved our family. There was a cursed spirit in one of my father's properties. He defeated the cursed spirit. I was there when he fought, he was a good person and was really protective over children, he saved my younger cousin who was 6 at the time "

Geto and Gojo were hearing the woman with great interest

Because, well, who didn't want to know about their teachers'love life?

She looked happy talking about their meeting. If they didn't know better, it looked like she was still his wife. They remembered how their teacher still held her so intimately on Gojo and Mayumi's birthday. It was weird. Everyone thought they were still a couple. Even now she was staying at yaga's house

Like, who stays at their ex husband's house after separating?

"I remember I fell head over heels for him back then. My father was quite an influential person. And he loved me to bits. I am his only daughter. So I went and threw a temper tantrum that I wanted to marry him"

Gojo and Geto's eyes were wide as solcrers. They couldn't believe what this woman was saying. She looked pretty normal, so why was she talking like this?

"I told my Papa that if he doesn't let me marry him I will go on a hunger strike and won't call him papa! So he freaked out and quickly made him marry me. "

The boys were still staring at her in disbelief

"Did he want to marry you? "

Mishka casually shook her head

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