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Geto was perplexed

He was drinking his noon coffee while thinking about some things, some parts of his life

Mostly about her, his princess, Mayumi

He already spent the majority of him night watching over Mayumi sleep. It was normal but since he didn't do it in the past 6 months, it felt weird but relaxing

He felt relaxed knowing he could see her whenever he wanted, he could smell her comforting scent whenever he was with her, he could touch her and get her whenever he wanted to

She would kiss him on the cheeks whenever he would meet her

He chuckled at himself

He knew how wrong this was. How incredibly disgusting it was

He knew he shouldn't do this, he shouldn't feel like this for her , he shouldn't love her like this, he shouldn't want to Lock her up whenever he thinks she will leave him

But he couldn't help himself. He couldn't stop how he felt for her

Even if it's wrong, he couldn't stop. He was too far to stop

She was the only one who could make him go so crazy

What confused him the most was he didn't lust for her.

He didn't want to have any sexual relationship with her. in the future when she grows up and becomes his? Sure. But now he was just content holding her hands, kissing her cheeks, eating her food that she'd made for him

It's funny, he would never wait for any other girl but he was ready to wait for Mayumi his whole life

People will call him a pedophile, perverted old man who is in love with a girl who he watched grow up. A girl who is only 16 years old when he's 26.... Ten years her senior

But all his thoughts came to an end when


His favorite kohai, Haibara Yuu rushed to him

"Do you want to come to the mall with us? Even Mei Mei and Utahime are coming. Kento, Shoko senpai and I are also going. Please come with us"

Geto chuckled and shook his head. It was hard to say no to a good guy like his kohai

He didn't want to make this mood bad. He was happy.

Mayumi was here and he thinks it would be great to go and buy something for her

"Does principal yaga knows -

"Yeah senpai! Yaga sensei gave us permission "

Haibara cheered

Geto just chuckled at his enthusiasm

"Sure, why not?"

He got up and they went out

What he didn't know was Yaga informed Mayumi that everyone was going to the mall. So she dicided to give him a surprise visit

She got ready. Wore one of her favorite little black dress with her most beautiful pair of patten black Christian louboutin heels, did her nails and wore her makeup

After a few hours of shopping Geto and the other's were about to go and sit on the rooftop restaurant

Just then Geto's phone rang

His eyes lit up when saw the name on the screen

It was Mayumi

"Hey there princess! What can I do for you?''

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