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(Warning : explicit smut, unprotected sex, a little manipulation, read it with your own risk. And minors, please get the hell outta here)

He did take her to his house. But not somewhere where many people were. This is one of his most quiet houses as it wasn't under the Gojo clan houses

No servants, no maids, no Megumi and Tsumiki

When she entered the house, she felt him latch himself on her, wrapping his long bulky arms around her. His nose nuzzled her neck from behind, occasionally leaving small kisses and on her neck and shoulders

Mayumi sighed, leaning more into him. One of her hands gently combed through his white fluffy hair

"That's my Satoru-nii-chan.... You're cute and welcoming when you're needy like this"

She whispered to him, gently kissing the side of his forehead. He whined

"You're heartless for leaving me all alone like that! I am mad and you have to give me what I want "

Mayumi chuckled as he went on a rant about how he missed her

She forced him to let her go before going to the kitchen. She brought some snacks and planned to have a Netflix and chill night with Gojo.

She started to prepare for it when he, again, wrapped his arms around her waist, kissing on her jaw to her neck

"Nii-chan, dear... stop. I can't concentrate on what I am doing if you keep doing things like this"

She gently said, closing her eyes when his tongue glided through her sweet spot

"But I don't wanna stop... You said we will make up loss time... So I won't stop"

He said, his voice muffled

She put down the kitchen knife from her hand and giggled

"Hey, that tickles"

He didn't respond, only his arms tightened around her waist even more. His gentle kisses turned more aggressive as started to suck hickeys on her neck

Mayumi had long stopped what she was doing, just enjoying his antics. At first she was shocked, but a surprised moan left her throat when he found her sweet spot on her neck

"Y-you're acting so weird... So touchy... W-wait... No, Nii-chan, not there!"

She squealed when she felt his hand squeeze her breasts,

He chuckled

"No baby. Not only there but everywhere... All over your body"

He said seductively bitting her earlobe

His hand gently glided through her exposed belly till his and hand made it's way under her top, squeezing her naked breast

"What are you doing? We're in kitchen"

She asked with a soft moan

"It's okay. We can have fun here in the kitchen counter. You'll look pretty here when you'll spread your legs for me"

He whispered to while grabbing the sides of her waist. He slowly gridded her bottom against his crotch, making sure she knew how hard he was

"Feel that, Aisuru? This is your doing."

She wimpiered

Of course she could feel it. It was huge and the size alone made her uncomfortable

She looked back at him, trying to think of what to do

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