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6 months later

Mayumi is now fifteen years old. She celebrated her birthday with her grandparents and mom in Russia

Mayumi left Japan because there was a possibility that her grandmother was really ill. Everyone thought she wouldn't be able to make it but by some miracle, she is now alive and well

So Mayumi and her mom Mishka returned to Tokyo today

Mayumi was so excited to come back.

It's not like she didn't love her grandparents, it's just that she missed everyone in Tokyo

She missed her father, she missed her little brother panda, she missed all of her friends, she missed her work as a healer

But mostly, she missed them. She missed her boys. She missed her Satoru-nii-chan and Suguru-nii-san

They talked regularly. Everyday even. But it wasn't the same. Gojo wasn't all over her and demanding for her attention, Geto was there to hold her hands and kiss her palm/back of the hand

They had their regular therapy session by video call

She remembers how Gojo's face was so down on both her and his birthday. He told her how he felt empty because she wasn't there, he didn't like the cake because she wasn't the one who made it, it didn't taste the same because it didn't have her love mixed in it

She even heard he didn't have a birthday party

That day, on her birthday, on the call with them, she pretended she didn't care that much and kept her poker face, cold emotionless exterior but inside her heart broke when he told her all of that

That night, for the first time, she cried on her birthday. She couldn't enjoy her birthday because Gojo wasn't enjoying his birthday

He had to miss Geto's birthday too

Her mother and grandmother could see all of that. They knew perfectly well how she felt for those two

They were actually really excited to see how they'll react when they see her

Why you might ask?

Because she had finally devolved. She went from a A cup to a C cup breast size, had beautifully shaped hips and grew about 5 inches. Now she's 163 cm

She started wearing makeup and stopped wearing baggy clothes. She now wore more revealing and short dresses and skirts/shorts

She was actually influenced by her mom and the other Russian girls she met. They always wore fancy clothes and makeup, always looked so put together

She also started to like it

She looked prettier and more beautiful

But the moral of the story is, puberty hit her pretty hard

Now that she's back. She almost felt relieved


Mayumi and Mishka Landed in Japan. Yaga came to receive them. Now she was sitting in the car and her father was driving

"Say love, did Gojo-kun and Geto-kun missed my baby?"

Mishka asked, she gave a teasing smile to her daughter with a wink

Mayumi looked like she couldn't care less. But she really did. She really wanted them to miss her, like she missed them

Yaga was quiet for a moment, contemplating if he should tell it or not. Before he sighed, he knew Mayumi deserved to know it

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