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After Gojo and Geto left, Yaga went out on a mission overseas a day after. It would take him approximately 6 days to return

Mayumi usually didn't like her father going to missions overseas. She missed him and worried for him the whole time he was out.

But this time she was glad. She had more time and resources to work with. She knows she would be packed with work for the next few days with Geto and Gojo

Her father left yesterday, tomorrow will be the day the star plasma vessel will be assassinated

She had to be prepared

She was now waiting for someone in her dad's house. she was a little tense, it was visible because pacing in her room for the last 15 minutes. Panda and lily were looking at her worriedly as she anxiously paced in the room

"Nee-chan, I think you should sit down for a bit "

Panda said

"I am good, Otouto. Don't worry about me"

To be honest, she was kinda freaking out on the inside. She tried to cover it but it must have shown in her behavior as the other two people in the room started to get worried for her

Then suddenly, there was a knock on the door

Mayumi perked up and rushed to open the door. When she opened the door hastily, her eyes met with her mom's

She gave Mayumi a beaming smile, Mishka Meami. She picked Mayumi up in her arms and started to smoother her face with kisses

"Oh my baby Mayumi! Mama missed you so much! My barbie doll"

She squeeled while sqeushing her cheeks with Mayumi's

"I, too missed you very much, Mama. But please take some rest. You just came from the airport "

Mishka nodded and set her daughter down

She went to the living room and sat down on the couch. The maid, lily, greeted her and she returned it kindly

Panda was still a little wary of Mishka, but he still sayed hi to her and shook her hand with his cute paws. Then he got shy and went to hide behind Mayumi, although he was at least 3 inches taller than her

After that Mishka freshened up and drank some tea while talking to her daughter. They talked each other's life, Mayumi's school, about Yaga and a lot more

After almost an hour, Mishka finally asked

"Why did you ask me to come in Japan in such a short notice, Mayumi"

Mayumi paused. She put down her tea cup and looked at her mom seriously

"Mom, tomorrow there's going to be a big blunder..... Tomorrow, a lot of things will go wrong. I just want you to, believe me and do as I say..... "

Mishka looked really worried as she asked

"chto sluchilos' milyy? ty popal v bedu?"

( Translation: what happened honey? did you get into trouble?)

She didn't even notice that she started to talk in Russian. Mayumi shook her head

"net, mama, ne ya, no u Geto i Gojo bol'shiye problemy"

(no mom, not me but geto and gojo are in big trouble )

"chto s nimi ne tak? s chego by im byt' v bede? oni samyye sil'nyye"

(what's wrong with them? why would they be in trouble? they are the strongest )

Mayumi shook her head

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