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Like he decided, Gojo was about to plan something extravagant for Mayumi tonight. He wanted to make her feel special. Like she always made him feel

He thought of many things but couldn't decide anything

He never really dated. He never had a real girlfriend. Many fuck buddies, hook-ups, one night stands but nothing more

It was kinda unusual for him to think about date ideas

He couldn't even ask Geto, he just didn't want to. He was Mayumi's other lover too

So he did something he himself didn't know why he did

He went to ask Nanami about it

If he thought about it, The conversation kinda went like-

"Nanami! Haibara! My dear kohai! How are you two"

Gojo abnoxiously said as he approached them

Haibara sweat dropped and Nanami just tiredly sighed. They didn't get  paid nearly enough for dealing with Gojo's shit

"What do you want, Gojo?"

Nanami asked in a " I am so done" voice

Gojo just grinned

"Well, I won't take much of your time, since you know I am really busy as I am -

"Just tell us what do you need and get this done with, Gojo. I don't have all day "

He pouted like a child

But in the end he sighed. His eyes dropped as he took of his glasses

"I was wondering... What is an appropriate place to take Mayumi out on our first date "

Cue, Nanami dropped the newspaper he was holding and Haibara choked on his own spit. After the initial shock, they stared at Gojo in disbelief

"Y-you're r-really gonna d-date, Mayumi-chan?"

Haibara strutted out, still in disbelief

He just sighed and nodded, leaning his head on the chair. Looking up at the sealing

"Yeah... It's our first date. I don't wanna mess it up. I really wanna make everything right. I wanna make her feel special like she always makes me feel. But I have no idea what to do.... Can you two help me with this?"

He asked, still looking at the sealing

Haibara, although a bit indecisive, was happy for his senpai and wanted to help him. He'd never even thought Gojo would like someone enough to take them out

And he knows Mayumi also loved both of his senpai to bits

So he didn't think much before agreeing to help Gojo

It's not like his opinion would matter either

Mayumi was already old enough to date. And either way, she was much smarter and mature than they ever were

Nanami, on the other hand, was very spectical about all this situation

"Don't worry, senpai. We'll help you."

Gojo expected that, he looked back at them with a smile

"Okay... So what do you suggest?"

Haibara thought for a moment before whispering something to Nanami. Nanami gave a curt nod before looking back at Gojo

"Take her out to shopping, senpai. And take her to a beach. That's what she likes the most. She doesn't like very fancy things. So if you want, you can do just that. I can assure you she'll love it the most"

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