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Gojo and Geto sat in Gojo's leaving room, glaring daggers at each other. It looked like they would jump and beat up each other any second

Nanami sat there, regretting all of his life decisions.

He knew he shouldn't have agreed with Haibara to come here in Gojo's private penthouse. He knew something would go wrong. Anytime Gojo was involved in anything, it never goes as planned

Even then, he wouldn't have expected what he saw a few moments ago. He was never gonna forget that picture no matter how much he tried or wanted to

He didn't know how he will ever face his former teacher, knowing what he saw in that bedroom. He didn't even know how he will ever face Mayumi

Mayumi was like a little sister to him. He cared for her deeply. He respects her deeply. She saved him and his best friend many times. She helped him with his mental health by being his regular therapist

Now his mind was a mess and it was all his former upperclassmen's fault

He was also there making sure they don't kill each other. That would be bad, these are two of the strongest shamans in the community

On the other hand, Haibara was sitting there completely traumatized

He knows he will never get that image out of his head no matter how much therapy he went through

He was scared for life

He couldn't comprehend why both of his senpai were so possessive over his little Mayumi-chan

He thought both of his senpai thought of Mayumi as their little sister. Not this... Whatever this is

Mayumi's barely and adult. She just turned 16 a month ago. She's ten years their junior. They watched her grow up

They were supposed to be only clinging brother figures. That's what he always thought. He was her clingy and stupid big brother too

They were just supposed to be her brothers, nothing more nothing less

How did it all come to this?

Now they were even fighting for her like some dumb teens. Like come on, he had never even seen these two yelling at each other, much less fighting

He flinched slightly when both of his senpai let out their cursed energy

He gulped down the lump that he felt in his throat. This is truly terrifying for him.

"This is all your fault."

Gojo hissed under his breath

"How the fuck is this my fault?"

Geto argued back, not liking his best friends audicity

"If you only left us alone and let us do what we were doing and not be a fucking bitch by interrupting us, nothing like this would have happen "

Geto snorted

"Like hell I'll let you taint my princess, you fucking man whore"

Geto said, this time his voice a little higher

"If I am a whore then what are you? An angel?"

"I don't go around and sleep with every woman who look at me"

Geto said back

"Why you-

"Both of you! Shut up!"

Shoko said, as she came out of the room. She had Mayumi with her, Mayumi was wearing one of Gojo's shirt. A blanket still wrapped around her

Nanami and Haibara stood up, looking more scared then ever. They know it's gonna be asked what happened, but they didn't want to know that

Devotion of Life || Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru Where stories live. Discover now