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The next day

When Mayumi came to jujutsu high the next day, she noticed Satoru was being a little too quiet.

He wasn't talking or even looking at her the whole day. He wasn't really the type to be this quiet so Mayumi started to get really worried

" Did I do something wrong? Why is my husbando being like this?"

She thought with a small pout on her face.

Of course she liked Gojo but she just liked messing with him. When he's mad and pouty, he looks like a big angry ferocious cat. Its too cute for her to resist

Now he looks like a sad and gloomy cat. His imaginary ears looks flopped down. She didn't really like this version of him so she went to him when he was alone

She took a deep breath, a small blush on her chubby cheeks as she made her way towards him


He was sitting down so he looked in her direction. She saw how his eyes waiden a bit before he looked away. It looked like he was surprised before looking away

"What is it?"

"Did I do something to offend you?"

She asked in a more soft voice

Gojo blinked once, twice before he understood what she said


"You haven't even looked at me. I was just wondering,Did I do something to offend you?"

"U-um -

Gojo never spoke to any children so he didn't know how to reply to that. Even if he was offended, how much was he allowed to tell her?

"You can tell me. I will not take it badly."

Gojo looked at the kid. He had never seen a lid like this. At first he thought she was like him when was young but unlike himself, Mayumi smiled and took care of himself

It took time but he understood she was just like this. A kid who didn't smile or talk too much and was really, really intelligent

Even now, she was looking at him with her big dough hotpink eyes. But there was was no emotion in her face. The same poker face on that she has

"Nothing, I was just wondering what you said yesterday"

Gojo said which made her tilt her head

"How my father and panda's protection is a form of care?"

Gojo sighed and nodded his head

"Do your parents not like you? "

Mayumi asked, not thinking much of it

"I... U-um they are.... Um-

"Okay, I got it. You don't need to give me an explanation if you're uncomfortable. I apologize if I offended you"

Gojo just nodded, not thinking much of it

Mayumi stood up and brought out her coloring book and started to color, sitting next to Gojo

"Didn't you hate me till yesterday? Why are you so nice to me today"

Mayumi paused when he asked her that

"I never hated you. You are really childish and hyper active.... and I am just worried to let panda be around you. Nothing more, I am just being his big sister and wary of his well being. But I have never held resentment towards you.... I just always answered questions you asked"

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