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After the festival, the group decided to book a condo for the night and the next day. The festival was held in a  much southern part of Tokyo and it would take them at least 2 hours to arrive back. And they didn't want to drive so late

So it was a win win situation for everyone

They could enjoy this as a mini vacation

"I still don't understand how you managed such a pretty house in such a short time, Gojo-kun. But I am not complaining"

Mei Mei said, looking around the huge house

"You know what they say, Mei. If you have money, you have everything "

Of course, Gojo replied with an answer like that, the prideful and arrogant grin on his face

Although Mayumi didn't say anything out loud, she didn't like Mei Mei one bit. She didn't like how she talked to Gojo and Geto, she didn't like how she treated them, she didn't like how crazy she was after money

Most definitely she didn't like how she was being so touchy with Gojo and Geto

And Mayumi isn't stupid, she understands how this woman is. She could do anything for herself and money. So much so that she didn't even feel bad grooming her little brother who is a 12 year old

Mayumi instinctively came closer to Nanami when Mei Mei was closer to Gojo or Geto. She didn't like seeing them like that

Not because she was jealous, but because that vile woman just never sat right with Mayumi

Haibara gently held Mayumi's hand. She told him when he was at hers for his therapy session once, Mayumi really didn't like Mei Mei. To be frank, he didn't either

"Say Mayumi-chan, how is life treating you? You just came back from your grandparent's house in Russia, right? How did everything go?'

Utahime asked, a pleasant smile present on her face

Now Mayumi really loved Utahime. She was gorgeous, strong and kind. Everything Mayumi loved. She was pleasant and easy to be around. And after Maki, Utahime is her female crush

Mayumi returned the smile

"They are fine, Hime. Thanks for asking though. And about -

Gojo and Geto silently stared at her. For some reason, they didn't like Utahime talking with Mayumi. They knew she still had a crush on Utahime

It infuriates them to no ends. They couldn't believe Mayumi would like someone like Utahime, especially Gojo. He didn't like Utahime in general and this only made him hate her even more

Then they noticed Mayumi holding Haibara's hand

Gojo almost lost it

"What are you doing with utahime, Aisuru-chan!? Did you forget I am here? And why are you holding Haibara's hand?"

Gojo jumped at her, hugging her waist from behind

Haibara got greatly startled. A little shocked that his senpai was jealous of him just because he held Mayumi's hand

Mayumi creased her eyebrows in displeasure. She couldn't believe this man. He was talking and demanding a answer from her when he was the one openly flirting with that vile woman

"Because I want to. What are you gonna do about it? Threaten me like you did before?"

She said, grabbing Gojo's arms from her waist and freeing herself

Gojo blinked, not believing that Mayumi just said that

She gave him an annoyed look before continuing talking to Utahime and Shoko

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