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The next day

Today Yaga was supposed to come back home. So everyone in the house except the two boys were arranging and cleaning up the houses

Nobody wanted to get on his bad side. So everyone is preparing the house. Getting it as put together as possible

Gojo and Geto were quite confused as to why everyone in the house was just running around, really busy. No one even had the time to tell them whats going on

Mayumi didn't talk to them all day today. She only came and told them to take care of the dogs for her. Then she Also started to run around

So they just did what they were told. They fed the dogs, played with them, took them on a walk but it was quickly getting really annoying for them

So now that they didn't have to do anything, they were getting very bored

They were watching tv for the past hour when Mayumi finally came and sat down with them. And the first Thing she did was sighing heavily

Gojo, being Gojo, pounced on her and started to whine like a baby

"Mayumi-chan! You didn't give me any attention all day! You didn't even talk to me!"

He kept whining like there's no tomorrow

Mayumi internally sighed

With her ever resting poker face, she patted his head and cheeks before just laying down on the couch

They looked really confused, she looked a little too stressed and tired

"What is it, Mayumi-chan? Did someone say something to you? Tell me, I'll blast them away with hollow purple"

Gojo said as if he was voluntaring to sell cookies despite talking about a murder. And he had this silly grin plastered on his face, as if he was expecting her to praise him or something

Mayumi looked up at him with deadpan look

"Nii-chan..... (Sigh) I don't need you to murderer someone for me but thanks for the offer. Nothing happened, it's just -

Before she could finish her sentence, the main door opened and someone walked in

Mayumi's face went pale when she saw her father Walk in the room where she was sitting with the two idiots

Yaga blinked a few times. He didn't understand if his mind was playing games with him or what because he was seeing his pupils sitting here, in his house, in casual clothes, all comfortable and cuddling with his dear daughter

There was a pause as everyone stared at each other

Then everything was clear, Yaga screamed


Yaga was about to have a panic attack when Mayumi came to the rescue

"Father, calm down. You sit down and let us explain everything before loosing your mind "

Mayumi said, still in a cuddling position with Gojo, who was still frozen

Mayumi looked up at him and wispered

"Nii-chan, let me go if you don't want my dad to skin you alive. "

Gojo quickly let her go and both of the boys stood up

Geto nervously smiled

"I-its good to see you're back, sensei. How was your trip?"

He asked, still sweating bullets

Devotion of Life || Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru Where stories live. Discover now