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Nanami, Haibara and Shoko sat Gojo and Geto down. They needed answers. This was no joke and being people who really cared for Mayumi, they won't let this slide

"Okay, can any of you explain what the fuck is going on with you two?"

She snapped

Shoko was an inch away from cursing her friend out

What were they thinking talking to Mayumi like that?

"What are you talking about, Shoko... What do you wanna know?"

Gojo asked

His voice had a tinge of annoyance in it.

He just wanted to leave for his room and talk to his Aisuru-chan.

If she was angry, he was sure he could make her happy again. He just needed time to talk to her. That's all. and he was sure she would be talking to him again

Shoko just shook her head in disbelief and annoyance

"Do you two not understand how much you hurt her? She loved you for goodness sake!"

Shoko said, her voice was cracking a little from how angry she was

"What do you mean she "loved'' us? She still loves us, she always will"

Geto said

He was still not understanding why people had so many strong opinion about these things

He looked at his best friend, Satoru looked distressed and a little scared even. He could tell he was a little worried about Mayumi

They needed to talk somethings out before going in any arrangements with Mayumi. That, they couldn't do till their classmates are still here

Shoko snorted, looking at Geto as if she's mocking him, mocking them

"You two are deprived if you think Mayumi still wants to do anything with two. I wouldn't even be surprised if she never looked back at you or talked with you. "

Both of the best friends glared at Shoko as if she'd killed everyone they ever knew

"Watch what you're saying, Shoko. Mayumi would never do that. She'd never abandon us.... Ever"

Gojo said

"These two had completely went nuts for her. Can't they really see what kinda damage they'd done?"

Shoko thought. Still in disbelief and shock.

"Gojo, Geto...."

Nanami started but paused

Because he didn't even know where to begin with. These two had fucked up so bad that no matter from where you look at this situation, it's unmanageable

But he needed to say something, that much he knew. Shoko was going nowhere with her empty threats and Haibara is still too shocked to understand what he should say or do

"Did you realize that you threatened Mayumi of kidnapping and raping her?"

Their eyes instently became wide and they looked at Nanami, horrified to the core

"We never said anything like that-

Geto started, only to stop as Nanami cut him off

"But you did! You said if she doesn't agree with you, you'll lock her up in this house and never let go out off here. Gojo you said, you'll ..... Take her so hard that she wouldn't be able to walk for weeks..... "

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