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"I still fail to understand why you're taking us there Gojo"

Nanami said as he and Haibara were being dragged there by Gojo and Geto

"If something goes wrong you can handle"

Nanami just sighed, he should have already expected this

When they reached the room where the girls were, but as they stopped they heard the girls talk

"I still can't believe you have a crush on hime, Mayumi-chan. I thought that ended years ago "

They heard Mei Mei say loudly

"Of course, Hime is still pretty as ever. Remember our promise Hime, you'll have to marry me when I become 18"

With this, all the girls bursted out laughing

Haibara and Nanami were scared at Geto and Gojo's reaction. They were gritting their teeths and closed their eyes to control their anger as much as they can

"To be honest, I thought you would have change of the heart by now, Mayumi."

Mei said

"Why though? I never said I did "

Mayumi asked, tilting her head on the side

"I mean you've been hanging out with gorgeous men. Gojo, Geto, Nanami, Haibara, and even that Inumaki clan heir. All of the four are some of the most handsome men I have ever seen. And Gojo and Geto adore you. So "

Mayumi didn't say anything for a bit and they talked for a bit. All while the guys stood outside and listened

The only person who was reluctant was Nanami. Even Haibara wanted to listen because they soon found out that shoko liked Haibara so....

"I guess every girl in the jujutsu society had their Gojo Satoru phase."

Mei Mei and Shoko agreed but Utahime didn't. Mayumi just kept quiet

"Say Mayumi-chan, didn't you have the Gojo Satoru phase?"

The boys stilled with anticipation. Especially Gojo. He did have a boost of confidence when mei mei and Shoko agreed to having a crush on him but this was Mayumi. The one he truly loved. Oh how he wanted to confirm she liked him too

They heard Mayumi chuckle

"Phase huh? I guess I did have a phase"

Gojo's eyes lit up in delight while Geto didn't know how to feel

"But not the Gojo phase. I had the Geto Suguru phase. "

Gojo's smile wiped out in a minute. Haibara slightly gasped, even Geto looked stunned for a moment. Even Nanami was surprised

"Huh, Geto? I thought you would like Gojo more. I've always seemed you two more close"

Utahime said, really surprised

Mayumi hummed softly

"Yes, growing up I was closer to Satoru-nii-chan. But not because I liked him more or anything. Because he needed my attention and affection more. As their therapist, I had to do what was needed, not according to my liking "

That was like a punch in the gut for Gojo. He felt his heart sank. For the first time in years, his eyes watered. Though he didn't react to it

"I am not saying he's not good looking or anything because clearly he is. But to me, both him and Suguru-nii-san was equal in everything, including their looks. But he got more attention for only one reason "

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