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Almost 7 years later

Mayumi is almost 16 now

Her life has taken many turns in the past years. Well to start off, she's now officially connected with the jujutsu society

She has her own lab and she makes seals that no one has ever thought could be made. She had made many seals but one of the most used ones is the one she made to protect Haibara all those years ago.

The one that can stop any cursed energy or technique to directly hit. Other than that, she'd made exceptional medicine and soldier pills that can boost cursed energy. She had made cursed boom seals

She even worked directly with master Tengen in enhancing the protective barriers and jujutsu energies

She had done a lot.

Now, she's a healer and full time researcher in jujutsu high. She took orders and had them pay for her seals, pills and materials. She also got paid as a healer

So as a fourteen year old, she was doing really good for herself and her family

Her father was beyond proud of her and so was her mom. Everything was fine but the only thing was the higher ups and elders were consently pressuring her to join jujutsu highschool

Which she bluntly refused every single time. It got so far to the point they even threatened her to cut off from the society and "eliminate" her

When that happened she first told Tengen about it in one of their meetings for the blood seals around the school premise

Tengen-sama obviously said everyone to stop. It did stop things for a bit. But they were still bitter about it

But there was nothing they could do. Because not only did Tengen side with her, her father, along with the strongest sorcerers Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru shut them off.

Geto and Gojo didn't allow anyone to talk down or treat her badly in any shape or form

Yes she was still in contact with them. Not only in contact, she was even closer with them, if that's even possible

They still always came to her for their regular "therapy sessions" thrice a month. They took her to fancy restaurants and movies often. Gojo has talked to her every single day for the past 3 years.

She would just listen to him about his missions and adventures. it is cute to her. Geto was a little suttle about it but still talked to her 4 or five times a week

They included her in all of their plans except the adult ones

Gojo even started to call her "Aisuru-chan". "Aisuru" actually means "my love". Much to her and her father's dismay. He would even call her that in meetings and public places

Now, it wouldn't be that wrong if it was simply her being a little older but since she is still a teen, it is wierd. On top of that, she still looks like a 12 year. She hasn't devolved yet and liked to wear baggy clothes. And she was till four foot ten

So she essentially looked like a kid too

So it was weird too

But in all of this years, Mayumi had discovered something. She discovered that both Geto Suguru and Gojo Satoru were either in love with her or had an obsession with her

Because she isn't blind nor was she stupid. She has a mind of a 37 year old. She could see how they followed her without her knowledge, She had seen the plastic bags where they carried her hair everyday they went, and she knew perfectly well that they are the ones who threatened every boy who asked her out

She even knew, from the Megumi, Tsumiki, Nanako and Mimiko that both of them had a perfume (the one she uses) and they spray it on their pillows when they aren't at mission. But Tsumiki told her Gojo even carried a miniature size of the same perfume and sprays it on the blindfold Mayumi had gifted him

She saw the signs of this madness of theirs since she was 9. Even before that they followed her to school. But then everything wasn't so out of hand and she let it slide thinking it was their way of showing they were concerned for her well being

But now, it's a different case. She knows this is not okay. She knows they share everything with her except this obsession of theirs

At first, she was a little afraid but then when she noticed them mare attentively, she understood they won't ever hurt, neither were they trying to make any advances over her sexually. Yes, they were clingy but they never touched her inappropriately. They were always respectful

Which led her to believe, even if they were obsessed with her, they loved her enough to never hurt her

So she didn't do anything and let everything go as it is. Still keeping regular contact.

The other reason for her to keep contact was the kids they adopted. Nanako and Mimiko practically lived with her for 3 years and were very close. She got to know Megumi and Tsumiki when Gojo took them in. He would left them at her place all the time. So she created the bond too

Megumi never understood how Gojo or Geto were with Mayumi but the girls did. Nanako, Mimiko and Tsumiki were terrified for her wellbeing when they discovered all this, but Mayumi assured them it would be okay

They never told anyone about this and neither did Mayumi.

She acted like she didn't know anything

Like she didn't know they will collect more for her hair every time they came to her room, she acted like she didn't know they would only stare at her when they would watch a movie together, she acted like they she didn't know they took pictures of her when she's distracted

They didn't need to know that she knew about all of this

She didn't know what they expected from her but it surely wasn't sexual. She could confirm that. Which was even more weird to her

It was like all they did when they were alone and not on their therapy sessions were was staring at her

They stared at her for hours. Gojo is the one who flirted with her a few times but Geto didn't do that. Geto was just a little too nice

Of course, they were overprotective and possessive towards her. She didn't usually talk with many males out of her family other than, Inumaki and Megumi. But if she did, a few days later they wouldn't talk to her anymore. And she knew it was Gojo and Geto's doing too

To be honest, she had fun seeing them like that. Because who wouldn't be. They were gorgeous. And with time and age, they were getting even more irresistibly handsome.

She had a crush on them since she was 7

Hell, she had a crush on them since her past life

So she didn't particularly mind their stupidities and shenanigans

But she did want to see how their relationship would change when she would get older. Would they make a move on her? Would they try to court her? Would they try to wife her up?

She didn't know but she sure as hell was eager to find out

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