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Next morning

Yaga had to go to school early because of some kind of meeting

But before he did go, he had a long conversation with Mayumi

"Mayumi why would you give him the permission to keep the kids? He's a kid himself"

Mayumi lifted her eyebrow at him

"So what did you want me to do, father? Throw two 6 year olds out to the streets?"

"I didn't say -

"You didn't, but you are indicating that.... What would have you done if you were in Suguru-nii-san's place? "

Yaga thought about it a bit before sighing

"Father, don't mind me saying this but did you ever think, I could be in the same place as those girls.... It all began because they had cursed energy like us.... It could happen to any kid"

Yaga now felt kinda ashamed. He should have handled the situation better. He knew he shouldn't have yelled at Geto. But he wasn't in the right state of mind then. He would apologize to Geto later

"I guess I would have rescued them too... I am sorry darling. I shouldn't have talked to Geto like that"

Mayumi smiled at her father before shaking her head

"It's fine father. I am glad you understand... But please be a little soft. I want you to have a more open and better relationship with your students. I want them to be able to trust and rely on you more"

Mayumi told in a gentle voice. Yage could only smile. His little daughter was always talking like this. Although he was proud of her but he was also a little sad that she's growing up so fast

"I understand Mayumi.... Thank you for making me understand. "

She smiled at him

"Of course, father. Anything for you. I love you a tons"

He chuckled

I love you a tons. She only said this to him. He didn't even see she saying it to panda. Whom Mayumi loved the most

After talking for a bit about the girls, he had to leave. Just as he left, Geto came in.

He found Mayumi already waiting for him in the leaving room

Their eyes met and she smiled a barely noticeable smile at him. She told him to sit down

"How are you, Geto-kun?"

Mishka asked, her ever present smile on her face. They exchanged greetings before Geto asked Mayumi

"Where're the girls?"

She raised her eyebrow at him

"They at panda's room. Toge-kun is here. They are all playing. Because they are the same age, you know. "

He nodded

Mayumi stared at him. She could tell he was still a little confused and scared. She didn't blame him though. She could understand he just had a lot to think about yesterday

"Are you curious about them? About there health condition?"

He nodded again

"The girls are in a very bad physical and mental health. They are severely underweight. They didn't have a proper meal in at least a month. They were tortured pretty badly. Luckily I was able to heal most of the wounds... But there are still a few scars left.... Those are old and I can't do much about them..."

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