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The next time she woke up she felt different, very much different. Her bed was a little more comfortable, soft and felt like it had more pillows

She blinked a few times as soon as she woke up. She took in her surroundings and frowned her eyebrows in confusion

She rubbed her eyes a few more times, looking around before harshly pinching herself

"What in the name of god's heaven is going on!?"

She thought to herself

This definitely wasn't her one room apartment complex. The room was huge. Was beautifully decorated and had a large window.

She tried to get out of bed when she realized the bed was too high for her to get herself down

Again, confusedly she looked at her hands. She was left speachless, her hands looked like a childs. She hastily removed the blankets from her body and was left a stunned.

He body was like a child's

She was a child again!

There was a dressing table with a huge mirror. She hastily got up and ran to the mirror, looking at herself with shock

"What the fuckin hell! Did I just reincarnated into an anime or something!?"

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"What the fuckin hell! Did I just reincarnated into an anime or something!?"

She wispered under her breath, still staring at herself in disbelief

After a few minutes, it finally drowned to her that she indeed was a child and was in a anime or some kind of animated series

She took a few deep breaths before smiling at herself

"At least I have a chance to have a normal childhood again "

A small smile made it to her lips

Just then there was a knock on her door

"Mayumi, darling, are you awake?"

She chuckled quietly to herself before replying

"Yes I am"

A beautiful woman entered her room. She had the most beautiful and kind smile on her face on her face

"It's good to see you woke up in time, little darling. Now get ready, your father will come to take you today"

Mayumi slowly blinked with a neutral face. It was clear that this woman was her mom, but she had only one question

"Why doesn't father live with us?"

She asked her mom

The woman's eyes waiden a little before she let out a long sigh. She kneeled down Infront of Mayumi and kissed her tenderly on the head

"We are...... Separated, darling. You know, mommy and daddy needs their time away from -

"Are you two divorced?"

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