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Mayumi was back at her house that noon. The same day, she went to work and got back at her home. Now, at night, she was sitting with her mom

Mayumi kept glancing at her from time to time. She didn't want to hide anything from her mom. Especially knowing how much she loved Gojo and Geto

She thought for some more time before sighing. She couldn't keep such a news from her mom

"Mama, Lily"

Both women stopped talking, looking at her

"What is it, little one"

Mayumi started to stutter a bit. Looking here and there in nervousness

It was actually funny. Stuttering with a poker face is not something you see a lot

"Miss Mayumi, is there something wrong? You can tell us. We'll help you if you need anything "

Lily asked

She took a deep breath before starting

"Mom, lily.... What I am about to tell you, you can't tell that to papa. no matter what "

Now the women were getting worried. What could she say that she couldn't tell her father? Mayumi never hid anything from her father and brother, so what necessity came for her to hide something from her dad

"Mayumi, my little one, is there something wrong? Are you in trouble? Are you alright?"

Mishka asked, worry latched in her voice

"Everything is good, mom. It's just that the news I am about to give you is gonna be good and bad for dad. So"

Mishka and lily shared a look with each other before Mishka asked

"Okay, Mayumi darling, you're getting me worried now. Please tell me what's going on?"

"Well....I am in a relationship "


Mayumi flinched when both of them screamed that

They were looking at her in disbelief

Then Mishka thought of something and carefully, yet afraidly asked

"Baby..... You're dating a man, right? "

Mayumi gulped

"Well, there is a good and bad situation there-

"So you're dating a woman?"

Mishka screeched

"What!? No. I am not."

Mishka sighed in relief, putting a hand on her chest, trying to control her breathing. She almost had a heart attack

"So what's the problem, miss?"

Lily asked, looking a little confused

"Well.... I am not dating one person."


Lily and Mishka asked dumbly

Mayumi showed two of her fingers, dangling them closer to her face

"I am dating two guys. Not one"

"You're cheating on one with other?"

Mayumi shook her head

"Mom, like seriously where do you get such weird ideas from? No both of them know I am with them... They are each other's best friend even"

Mishka and lily looked quite surprised yet excited now

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