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Now Gojo and Geto were excited to see where Mayumi was taking them. Gojo talked a lot and Mayumi quietly listened to him. But as always, her first priority was her little fluffy brother

She talked a lot with Panda in the car ride. At some point, Gojo started to whine

"Mayumi-chan give me attention! "

He threw a small temper tantrum

Mayumi looked up at him with softened eyes. She softly smiled at him and patted his head

"Sorry nii-chan, but you have to understand you're not the baby here anymore. Panda is still growing up and he's curious about everything. He likes to ask questions and as his big sister, it's my duty to answer him with appropriate answers "

Gojo's pout got even bigger while Geto sweat dropped

' It feels like Satoru is that one young  cousin who is really clingy with the pretty elder cousin.... Is it only me or Am I crazy?"

Geto thought


"No buts. We are almost there."

So that's how Gojo was the whole car ride. Pouty and jealous of our poor baby panda

But panda sure did have all the attention and head pats. He was really happy and his twitching ears were a proof of that

With in a few minutes, they reached a place. It was a park. It said the husky park

Gojo and Geto were really confused. Why did she take them to a park? A man was waiting for them in the main gate. Their driver went and talked to the man for a moment before he opened the door

"Get off"

Mayumi said, taking of hers and panda's seatbelts

They got off. Geto helped panda and Mayumi get off the car

They went inside and Gojo and Geto were left speechless

There were at least 50 husky puppies and dogs in the park. All of them came rushing to them. The puppies started to jump on them, demanding their attention

Soon, all of the bad thoughts and memories washed away as both of the boys grinned and started to play with the dogs. There were a lots of toys to play with the dog

The boys forgot everything and started to play like kids. Even panda joined them.

Mayumi just sat there with a gentle and calm smile on her face, feeding some dogs treats

It was almost one and a half hours before the guy came back to Mayumi. She looked up at him, still sitting on the bench and feeding the dogs

"Where are toru and sugu? Are they ready?"

This caught the attention of Gojo and Geto, who were nearby. They gave Mayumi a puzzled look and came closer to were she was sitting

"Did you call us, Mayumi-chan?"

Gojo asked

Mayumi shook her head

"I called someone else-

Before she could finish her sentence a crystal snow white dog came and tackled her down, licking her whole face. It happened so fast that Gojo and Geto couldn't even do anything to help her at first. They just momentarily froze before rushing to help her

They helped her sit down. Then to their surprise, the dog started to houl. It almost sounded like he was talking in a high pitched voice

Mayumi also started to talk back, she asked it how was his day, how he was doing and if he missed her or not, to which it started to make noises back. As if it was talking to her. Even panda joined them

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