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When Gojo didn't move for a long time, Mayumi looked up at him from the kitchen. She raised her eyebrows when he saw him staring at her and grinning like an idiot

"What are you doing there? Go and wash your hands. I don't know how many years I will have to teach you these simple things"

Mayumi said, looking down at the microwave. It gave a signal that the treats there were ready

She slid on the baking gloves and pulled out the muffins out of the oven

When she put them aside, she felt him. She felt him wrap his long arms around her waist. His breath tickled the back of her neck

"Did you wash your hands?"

Mayumi asked in a monotone voice

He just nodded, his hold tightening around her even more

She felt so good then. The way he was nuzzling his nose on the back her neck. The way he was massaging the side of her waist, she loved when  his manly cologne hit her nostrils

"I love you.... I love you so much. So so fucking much"

He said, his voice needy as ever

A soft smile made it's way to her lips.

"I love you too... Now what are you doing? Let me go. The curry will burn"

She softly told him but he didn't let her go. Only a stubborn whine left his throat, saying he didn't want to let her go

She sighed

"Okay, but let me see your face"

She said in a gentle tone, shootingly stroking his white fluffy hair

His arms finally loosened around her, he didn't let her go though, just enough for her to turn around and face him

She did and looked up to him. He was pouting with still his eye mask on

"Oh Lord, how cute can this man be! He's freaking adorable"

She thought to herself

She was squealing inside but just softly smiled at him before saying in a firm tone

"Didn't I say not to use the blindfold in the house?"

He pouted more. Then after a minute staring at her, he lowered his head to her height. Silently telling her to take it off

She smiled, reaching forward and taking the blindfold off

His Bright crystal azure blue eyes met with hers, Mayumi had to use every ounce of the self control she had in herself to stop herself from swooning over this man

Dear god, he was so beautiful

He was adorable, cute, handsome, loving and wholesome

He's everything in one and the definition of perfection

"God, what have I ever done to deserve this man? "

She just smiled at him and cupped his cheeks with both of her hands. Gently caressing his smooth pale skin

"What happened ? Why are you pouting like this? Did someone say anything to you? I thought you'll be happy to see me here"

She said, placing a tender kiss on the side of his mouth

"I am happy.... It's just... I want to stay like this... Like my wifey for the rest of our lives. Say you'll stay with me forever and never leave me"

Devotion of Life || Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru Where stories live. Discover now