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Mayumi sat in the as the three idiots (Gojo, Geto and Shoko) were getting interrogated by her father. Because apparently, they had forgotten to put on a seal. Which resulted to a huge mess and made it to the news channels

They were there because they had to rescue Utahime and Mei Mei. They were missing for two days, so the 3 second years went to find them

Although Mayumi was acting normal, she was freaking on the inside. She knows everything will be changing from now.

But being the stubborn girl she is, she was determined to change this misery.

She already had everything planned in her head. She first thought to not let them leave or telling them to decline the mission but she left that.

This mission was important for both of their devolvement. It was needed. They needed to become what they are supposed, well Gojo atleast needed to. This is the mission that will eventually make him the strongest shaman of the era

That's all he had to do. And Mayumi will personally take care of Geto Suguru. She wouldn't let him take the path he took

She was thinking all this as her father harshly bonked Gojo on the head. Her daze broke as she looked at them

"That's enough, father. You'll give him a concunction."

Mayumi said from afar

Yaga sighed, he couldn't deal with these idiots. And sometimes he thought what would happen if his daughter wasn't there to help him or heal the headaches he had frequently while dealing with these dear devils.

Now, staying with her for almost 6 months, he doesn't even know how he survived when she was with his ex-wife

"Yeah, Mayumi-chan! Tell sensei to stop bulling me!"

Gojo whined as he came closer to Mayumi and plopped down next to her. He hugged her tiny body with his

An irk mark appeared on Yaga and Geto's head

"For the love of god, let my daughter rest for a bit, Satoru! She's tired of your consent nagging!"

Yaga snapped

"Satoru, let Mayumi-chan go. You're gonna suffocate her"

Goto told him, his voice sounded like he was annoyed

"It's fine father, Suguru-nii-san. I am not uncomfortable"

Mayumi said, still sitting on Gojo's lap as he embraced her

It was like he didn't understand anything without her. If he goes somewhere, he asks for Mayumi. If he eats something, he thinks of what Mayumi wanted. If he buys something, he thinks what does Mayumi need so he could buy something for her

And Yaga didn't like this at all. He didn't like how his pupils especially, Gojo and Geto were spoiling his daughter. And he didn't like how his daughter was allowing it

He by no means is a controling father. But he couldn't comprehend why Mayumi was letting them continue there bullshit. She was a no nonsense girl in every situation, every situation except any that resolved around Gojo and Geto

He didn't understand why she didn't tell them to f of. Of course, he knew she didn't like them as much as she liked Haibara and Nanami, I mean it was clear. But it still didn't make any sense to him why she tolerates them

Gojo let out a nother whine

"I am not gonna let Mayumi-chan go! She's mine!"

Mayumi sighed and gently pushed him away a little. He pouted as he looked down at her. She sighed again seeing the huge bulge on his head where her father hit him

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