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Mayumi was brought to her new home pretty quickly.

Upon entering the house, it was clear her father had a type and a color. And it was gray 🩶. Everything was gray. The walls, furniture and even all the decor. It basically looked like a sad rainy day

But it was cozy and much larger than her mother's house. She just sat there and looking around

Then she remembered something

"If he is still a teacher.... Is panda here yet?"

She looked back at Yaga

"Is there someone you want me to meet?"

Yaga looked at her confused before saying a single 'oh'

"Miss Suzuki,"

He called out

Miyumi was a little annoyed. She wanted to meet panda. Not some maid. But she concealed her displeasure well as a older lady came into the room

"Yes Yaga-san"

The woman said

"This is my little princess, Mayumi, Yaga Mayumi. Mayumi, this is miss Suzuki. My house helper"

Mayumi looked at the woman and could clearly see the fake smile she gave her. She didn't like this woman at all but as a courtesy, she nodded at the woman and told her to leave

The look on the woman's face when Mayumi said leave was priceless

Her eyes waiden as if she couldn't believe Mayumi had just given her an order. This didn't go unnoticed by Mayumi and she slitly raised an eyebrow at the woman and told her to leave again

Which she did with a huff

Mayumi was in the house for only a few minutes and she could already tell her dad gave this woman permission to do whatever she wanted since he was hardly at the house. This woman got entitled now

Entitled people are something she couldn't stand but was ready to give her the benefit of the doubt

She then talked to her father. Smiled and made him feel welcomed and did Small talk

"Say, Mayumi dear, you talk..... Differently now. You can say many different words now. Did something change?"

With a small smile Mayumi said

"Nothing changed. you're my dad and I love you. It's just I have been in a few debate clubs and mom set me up with a therapist after your separation. It wasn't necessary but she thought it would be better for me. I guess I've learned to be a little more mature. Nothing more"

Yaga was fascinated at how smoothly his daughter was talking. Her personality had became more calm and collected. He couldn't be prouder. The way she talked, walked and everything. But he could tell she was concerned for him which he was also extremely happy to see

He thought maybe his dear daughter would be mad at him. But it was clear she wasn't and he couldn't be more relieved

Then she asked to look around the house. He gave her permission but forgot to mention or warn her to go to a particular room

She got up and kept exploring. Yaga didn't think much of it until it was too late

Mayumi kept looking from room to room. There were many rooms. Until she heard a noise from one of the room. There was do not enter without permission sticked on the handle but luckily the door was unlocked

She choose to ignore the do not enter sign as she could easily make the excuse "I couldn't spell and read it".

There were perks of being a kid again

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