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The next day

Today the day mostly went by the boys and Mayumi setting up things for the dogs. They talked and watched a few movies

Mayumi did give another therapy session the boys

They were really grateful. They really could see how much these sessions helped them. She was talking care of them like before and they couldn't be happier

But they did notice she was quieter than usual. She only gave them small answers and when they asked her something to explain to them, she said she would do tomorrow. When they asked if something was wrong or not, she said she wasn't feeling well

It was night time now

After dinner when the boys were about to go back to their rooms, they heard a very calming melody. Someone was singing a lullaby

They stood in the hallway with wide eyes for a moment before Geto felt a hand on his shoulder

He quickly looked back

It was Mishka

She raised an eyebrow at them

"What are you gentlemen's doing here in the hallway?"

They slightly blushed, gave her a timid smile before saying

"Sorry miss Mishka. We.... It's just someone was singing this lullaby.... The voice is really pretty"

She slowly smiled at them before shaking her head

"That's Mayumi. She's singing this to put panda to sleep. She sings this  everyday to panda. She's been doing this since she met him"

Their eyes waiden in disbelief. This voice was so incredibly sweet.... It was her voice? It was still a bit hard to believe

She smiled

"It's quite surprising how everything my baby does you two find it pretty. Knowingly or unknowingly."

Mishka chuckled and the boys turned bright red

"Do what you want but don't try to take away my baby girl when she's so young. Wait for her to grow up a little."

With that she left them while giggling

The boys stood there for a moment, contemplating if they should go to panda's room or not

They stood there for a moment before Gojo grabbed Geto's hand and started to drag him to the room

"Fuck it! We'll see what happens"

They went to the room, slightly opened the door.

And there she was, all in her glory. She was in her cute pink night wear. Singing a calming melody. Her hand was stroking panda's head. Panda was already asleep but it looked like Mayumi was thinking something. Hence she was absentmindedly staring at the wall across her


Close your eyes, no need to see
Rest your mind in peace
I will hold you so tight to me
And I hope that you'll dream
of your days, carefree

Oh my dear children, I love
you and I'll keep you safe
I'll hold you close so
you'll never know pain
Because my children, this
world can be cruel and so cold
But a flower can bloom with the thorns


She sang and sang and the boys listened to her in awe. Nobody ever sang lullabies for them. This was the first time they were seeing someone singing a lullaby to make someone fall asleep. They only thought this happens in movies

Devotion of Life || Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru Where stories live. Discover now