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Another week passed by

Mayumi had begged her father to take her to Jujutsu high. Today he finally caved in and told her she could come with him.

Now here she is, in the car with her dad, on her way to Tokyo jujutsu Metropolitan college

Although she had a calm exterior, inside she was literally screaming with excitement. She couldn't believe she would meet more of her favourite characters from jujutsu kaisen

"How many students are there, dad?"

She asked, kicking her feet as she was getting bored

"Well there are 2 students in the first year, Haibara and Nanami. Then there are the second years, Gojo, Geto and lieri. Then the Kyoto third years are also here for the goodwill event."

Yaga said

Mayumi wanted to kick and scream and throw up with excitement. She was gonna meet her husbandos today! She wanted to cry with joy

But she just held her poker face all along

When they reached the school, Yaga helped her getting out of the car and the first thing she did was to inform panda she reached the destination. And plus, she was worried about her otouto too!

After that she went inside the huge school. Her father introduced her to all of his co-workers. She behaved very politely with everyone.

Which was also praised by everyone and her father was boosting his reputation like there's no tomorrow

Mayumi quickly got bored with all of this and asked her father if she could go to the training fields for some fresh air.

Yaga thought for a bit, Mayumi was very mature and wouldn't do anything stupid. But he still got a window to check if the main gate was open or not. When he was sure it was locked he told Mayumi that she could go outside

She gave him a smile before leaving the room with a window. The window took her and left in a clear training fields

" Yaga-chan you can go from different training fields from here but try to keep the time on mind. Don't be outside for a long period of time"

Mayumi smiled at them and said

"arigatōgozaimasu. I can take it from here"

They smiled and left her

"I wonder if I would meet any of the students today. Or any of my husbandos (Nanami, Gojo and Geto) today...... It would really suck if they're on a mission today "

She thought to herself as she kept walking around, one training field from another. She was a bit absentminded

But her little steps came to an end as soon as she heard a few voice speaking

She looked around and there she saw them

Her eyes waiden as she saw Geto Suguru, Gojo Satoru, Nanami kento, Haibara Yuu, Utahime lori and Mei Mei talking there

Her heartbeat quickened and she hastily hid behind a tree.

Her mind and heart started to race. He took a few deep breaths to compose her emotions before looking back at them

She was left mesmerized. Gojo and Geto looked so handsome. Even more handsome in real life. Even Nanami and Haibara was very good looking. Mei Mei was hot and utahime was dreamyly pretty

But then her eyebrows frowned. She could tell there was something wrong. It took her few minutes before she realized that someone is injured

"Should I go and help them? "

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