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When Mayumi opened the infametory door, she saw what feared. Geto Suguru was laying there unconscious. But it still hurts seeing him like that

She quickly blinked away the tears that threatened to drip from her eyes. She quickly went and started to check

'3 broken bones, 2 broken ribs. Lungs are fine. 3 fractures. Blood pressure and loss are pretty much normal."

Mayumi started to calculate the damages that were done. It wasn't that severe but he could get a concussion or worse a coma if it wasn't healed properly

So she quickly started to heal him. Her hands glowing green, even closed trying to concentrate properly. Slowly but surely his wounds were disappearing.

Mishka watched, mesmerized, how her little girl was healing the young teen. She watched how her dear daughter concentrated on the healing process. And within an hour, all the wounds disappeared from Geto's body

The window, who tried to stop her from coming and healing Geto, was left speechless

"He's currently out of danger and it doesn't look like he has any head injury. so he's pretty stable now. He would wake up anytime now"

She said

Her face was neutral but Haibara, Nanami and Mishka knew damn well she was worried for him. She sat there holding Geto's hand with her small hands. Her eyes never left his face for a moment

"Gojo-san, we don't know where he -

The window started but Mayumi cut him off

"You didn't do anything.... I understand why you brought Geto here.... But why did you leave without Gojo's information..... It's against the will, do you know how badly you could be punished for this?"

Mayumi said, her eyes never leaving Geto's face for a moment

The window shut his mouth. His eyes wide with fear. He was sweating bullets because he knew perfectly well he messed up big times


"Leave, do your job and go back to the spot where Gojo is supposed to be."

He didn't argue a bit as he sprinted out of the room. Haibara and Nanami knew everything happend and we're confused as hell

"I don't understand, if they tried to kill Gojo senpai.... Why did they left Geto senpai alive?"

Haibara asked

"Yeah.... That doesn't make any sense "

Mishka said and Nanami just quietly started at the floor

"It does make sense.... It makes perfect sense "

Mayumi said, gently squeezing Geto's hand. She was checking his pulse from time to time

All the three looked at Mayumi

"It does?.... How Mayumi-chan?"

She looked back at them

"He is Geto Suguru. The only Cursed Spirit Manipulation technique holder of the generation.... Killing him would mean suicide..."

Haibara looked confused as hell

"How so?"

"If you kill him all the hundreds of spacial grade curses he stored in would be free.... And no human can survive that many curses "

She informed them

It all drowned to them as to why Geto was still alive. Why did the assassin leave him alive. Thinking all of this made there body shiver with fear

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