Chapter 1: Sister

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Fantasia's POV

"'ve been on my mind,
Sister we're two of a kind..."

I've heard this melody at least 20 times in our rehearsals, you'd think I'd be tired of it by now. But everytime gets better and better because watching Taraji embody her character Shug is so inspiring to me.

She's established as an actor. She's confident as a person. She is beautiful. I admire her as she prances around the room to Miss Celies Blues.

"I hope you think that you're something too.."

I often get lost in these moments and in that voice that I don't even realize when the song ends.

Maybe because somewhere deep down, I really feel like I'm Celie, just soaking in all that attention. I forget about Fantasia and where I've been, which isn't too far off from where Celie been. But where I've come from and who I am is has to be pushed aside when I'm behind this camera.

Watching Taraji become Shug and I Celie is starting to feel more natural by the day because we've gotten unexpectedly close while filming.  Taraji feels like a sister, maybe. But at the same time, more like a part of me. Maybe a reflection.
I'm still figuring it out.

We've been filming the color purple now for about 6 months, all out of order. I can't say it's been easy at all. Long days and longer nights, but working with people like Taraji and Danielle have made it much easier for me to handle with this being my first major film. I have high hopes for the end of this project. Ive been learning new things about myself too. Things that have me a bit confused about who I am, but that'll sort itself out later. For now, I've gotta movie to focus on.

"And cut!" The director yells from behind the set and I snap out of my daydream.

Taraji walks up to me and smiles.

"Whew! I hope that was the last take of that scene. I do love that song, but I'm getting tired of singing it 200 times a day" she chuckles as she fans herself off and takes a sip from her water bottle.

I laugh and nod my head. "I think so. They all are great takes though, you know!"

"Why thank you." she holds her chest "I do try my best."

Taraji has always been likable. Humble. And also, intimidating. She's such a perfectionist, I think shes a Virgo. She is hard on herself and gets very anxious a lot of the time. I try to help her get grounded in those moments because the pressure of the work we do can be tiring and overwhelming.

"Clear set for the next scene!" The director yells.

Taraji is done with her scenes for the day, which always makes me a bit sad. She makes me feel most comfortable and when she's not here, sometimes it's hard for me to disconnect from character. I'm still fairly new to acting.

"Well, I'm off for today."

She furrows her brow when she sees my mood change & face drop.

"You okay? You look a bit down.." her voice with concern.

"Oh...I'm fine" I say softly. Taraji is always so intuitive & attentive. "Sometimes I just get a little stuck in my character & its hard for me to get out of it..You help me a lot with that, especially with these tougher scenes I have to film for the next week. I know you'll be gone until your scenes pick back up.."

This definitely must've been how Celie felt when Shug Avery left town.

"Ahhh. I see." She gently puts her arm around me and I glance at it.

"Well how about about on our next off day, I'll help you with a couple of the scenes you're struggling with and teach you a couple techniques I've picked up on. How does that sound?" Taraji suggests with a wide grin.

"I like that idea" I nod and smile "Thank you, T...You are always here when I need you."

"Of course! You know I got your back, and I love you. I'll see you in a few days!" We part ways then she packs up her things & leaves for the day.

I anticipate the next few days eagerly.
They can't get here fast enough.

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