Chapter 32: Day 1 - Coming Out

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Here we go with the interviews

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Here we go with the interviews...This is going to be a 3 day unfolding of events. Man, I still got a couple plot twists left in me so, hold on to your hats. 😂😂 I'm gonna ride this story until the wheels fall off.
More juicy stuff to come! (I also added an important detail to the end of this chapter)

Taraji's POV

"Mmmm...yesss Taraji, stay right there."
Fantasia holds my head steady, granting me an ego boost from the sounds of her being pleasured.

"Mhmm.." I encourage as I continue to vigorously consume her center.

I then slide 2 fingers inside her gently and begin pumping them in and out at a steady pace. Her chest heaves and falls.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." Fantasia curses as I build her up to her release. I licked and slurped every inch of her folds while caressing her g-spot. It was only a few more minutes before she came crashing down onto my tongue.

I held her thighs between my arms while she rode out her orgasm harshly with raspy curses and whining my name. I would never get tired of hearing that. I savored the taste, not missing a single drop of liquid pouring from the younger woman above me.

I slid my fingers out carefully and kissed her inner thighs.

"Come here, sexy." Fantasia purred and pulled me up to her face. She tasted herself on my lips and sucked my tongue seductively.

"I swear you're getting better and better everytime you're down there." She praises.
I laugh softly.

"Well...I have been getting a lot of practice." I wink and Fantasia kisses my lips again.

I pull away and frown slightly. "On a serious note babe, we need to talk about these interviews coming up next week. I know you been trying to avoid the conversation by pushing me into your pussy the last few days, and I been trying to avoid it too." I glance down at her thighs that are still trembling.

This week, we haven't seen much of Oprah, I guess she got nervous and ran off somewhere. We just came in, filmed, and went home. Danielle got to finish her dinner table scenes and I'll admit, it's a bittersweet feeling coming to an end of this film. Not for nothing, I formed a strong bond with this cast and these 2 women, despite the bullshit we went/are still going though. We fought for each other in ways I could've never imagined and I will carry that with me way beyond The Color Purple.

We have back to back interviews and press conferences starting next week. We're going to be on the Jennifer Hudson Show, Gayle King, The View, Devon Franklin, and some others I can't think of right now. It's a little overwhelming. More so because I know I'm going to be speaking up about the truth regarding what went on behind the scenes of this movie. There might be some backlash and some confusion. But I don't mind being a voice of reason for my black actresses in this industry. We don't get paid right or treated fairly, so people gone know about it.

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