Chapter 6: Confirmation

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Fantasia's POV
I'm going over my lines, but I'm on auto pilot.
All I can think about is Taraji.
I hope she doesn't think I don't care or that I left her hanging. I would never abandon her at a time like this. I need to go see how she's doing.

"Hey...can we take a quick break? I think I need to get some water." I insist to the director.

"Sure, are you feeling okay?"

"Yes...just feeling a bit weak. And hungry." I use any excuse to try to get away, although I am actually feeling tired from not sleeping well lastnight.

"Alright! Everyone take 10." Mr.Blitz exclaims. I sigh in relief before rushing out to head towards Taraji's dressing room.

Just as I'm about to walk in, I see Danielle walking out. I wonder what all they were talking about in..

"Oh! Tasia! Sorry, I didn't see you there. Taraji is still upset, but I think she'll be happy to see you." Danielle speaks in a warm tone.

"That's good to know." I smile back at her before she continues walking past me.

I knock somewhat firmly on the door. "Taraji? It's me, Tasia!" I project loud enough to be heard on the other side.

It's silent.

"Can I com-

Before I can finish my sentence, the door swings open. Standing before me with wide puffy eyes was Taraji. I don't think I've ever seen her in such a fragile state before. I've seen her cry and upset, but not like this.

"Hey..." She smiles faintly.
"Hi.." I respond softly.

"I'm happy you came back here. I didn't think you would. I thought you was mad at me or something.." Taraji trails off and looks to the ground.

"No..not mad. I just..I'm not sure. Maybe I was just disappointed and confused about lastnight. That moment we shared real to me. And you said it was just about acting. Your response was so cold. Maybe you were right. Maybe I was trippin & felt something that wasn't there.."

I drop my head and begin to question my intuition and my feelings.

Taraji glances down both ends of the hallway before she grabs my hand and pulls me inside and closes the door behind me. She locks it.


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"Tasia...what you're's not just in your head. Okay, you didn't make anything up. You didn't imagine it. The kiss was real. What was about to happen, was very real." She expresses with conviction while holding both of my hands in hers. "I don't know what to think or make of it right now. I'm questioning everything that I know. My sexuality, my dating life, my know I'm dating somebody & you are too. I just don't want this to get messy, you know?"

I can hear the sincerity in her voice.

"And I apologize for being cold. I sometimes shut down when I'm afraid of being hurt. The last thing I would want is to ruin our friendship...And..."

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