Chapter 20: So I Creep

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Thank you for 10k reads! I'm so humbled and grateful to be able to write freely and be recognized for my work. Makes me feel really good.

I actually suprise myself as I write because I didn't expect the story to go in this direction but we're just digging this hole deeper and deeper. Let's see where it goes.

Taraji's POV

It's Monday morning, but I don't have to return back to the set for about another week since we're not working on anymore of Shug's scenes right now.

Fantasia never texted back the whole night after the last text I sent, even tho she responded to the group chat this morning.

It's not usually like her to go MIA.
We would at least say goodnight to each other...

I had the urge to drive over to her house to make sure Derek didn't do none to my woman, but I didn't wanna make matters worse.
If I don't hear anything by 10am this morning, I'm going up over there.

But to be real, I do empathize with Tasia because not only is her role tough playing Celie, she's also trying to balance out her love life + affair with me.

Maybe I should take myself out of the equation to make things easier on her...
I love her unconditionally but I want her to be happy, even if it's not with me.
I guess I'll decide what to do closer to the end of production. I don't want to cause her any further pain or distraction while she's filming.
She needs to stay focused.

Now what a minute, who unsaved number is this calling my phone?

Fantasia's POV

The night was long.
Derek never came to bed with me like he usually does, I assume he just slept in the guest room.
I'm actually not sure if he's even still here.

I sigh and feel for my phone on my dresser that is still untouched and plugged up to the charger. Ugh, I overslept!? It's almost 7:30am.

I have been re-reading and staring at the last few texts between Taraji and I since lastnight.
I couldn't find the strength to respond.
My mind & body just feels numb.

I actually considered deleting the thread, but what was the point? Derek likely already saw them and that would make me look more suspicious.
I think I just need to confess. Right now.
I can't go on another day with this on my heart.

I quickly respond to Danielle's group text about going to face Oprah. I can't worry too about that right now, I'm sure I'll hear about it later on.

Then I text Derek.

To: D 💙
Hi...are you still here?

I wait a few minutes.
No response.

As I'm waiting, I contemplate on whether or not I should just call in sick for work.
I could honestly use a self care day.

I decide to text Blitz that I came down with something & I'm not going to be able to come in this morning. 

I lock my phone and place it under my pillow before I turn over & close my eyes for a little while longer.

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