Chapter 30: The Game Plan

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Wow! 30 chapters, I can't even believe it we've already come so far. If you've kept up thus far, you're the GOAT. 🐐 I still have several more chapters left in me to bring this story to a close. I also think the Grammy's are on and I saw Fantasia will be there so that's super excitingggg, I may somehow integrate that in the story eventually.

Again, thanks a million to all the supporters on this story. Were also almost at 30k reads! 🥹🥹
Btw, I read every single comment and they all make me laugh and smile! 🫶🏽🧡

Taraji's POV

Fantasia likes to start her day by getting dressed, doing her makeup and getting cute, even if she doesn't have anything to do or anywhere to go. We're kind of different in that way...
On the weekends, I'm a lazy Lima bean. I'll lounge around in my PJ's all day long, no makeup, with my hair looking however it wants to. I don't mind it though, I like the contrasts, keeps our dynamic exciting and I'm learning more and more about her.

While she's upstairs, I make myself comfortable on the couch while I try to find some peace of mind and solace. I flip through the channels until I get to the morning news, which I like to have on for some background noise.

I scroll on my phone for about 10 minutes, not really paying attention to what is being said. Suddenly, a news report catches my attention and my ears perk up when I hear "The Color Purple." I glance up to see the words flashing in bold letters at the bottom of the television screen.

"We're excited to finally be able to announce the
Highly Anticipated Color Purple Film Cast!"
One of the news anchors beams with excitement.

I turn up the volume and lean in closely so I can hear every single word.

The much-anticipated film adaptation of "The Color Purple" has been in the works, and is coming to a theatre new you, the date will be announced here next week. The star-studded cast has been revealed! The timeless classic, originally a Pulitzer Prize-winning novel by Alice Walker, will be brought to life on the silver screen once again, promising to captivate audiences with its powerful storytelling and exceptional performances...." Before he continues, I grab the remote and pause it.

"Lemme call Fantasia so she can come down and see this!" I burst outloud to myself.

"Yes ma'am?" Fantasia answers right away.

"Come downstairs! I got something exciting to show you. We on the news, baby we famous!" I let out a big belly laugh. I'm still humbled anytime I see myself on TV or in articles.

"What you mean!? Oh, they finally made a public announcement about the movie??? Damn, I can't believe we only have a few weeks left of filming. Pause it, I'm coming down!" Fantasia hangs up abruptly and I can hear feet stopping above my head.

Fantasia rushes down and comes to sit beside me. She looks stunning. She has on a baby pink blouse with some blue jeans. Even though it's nothing too fancy, it took my breath away for a moment.

"Well, don't you clean up nicely." I compliment and bat my eyelashes.

She gives me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, mama."

I blush and try to quickly refocus.
I could stare at her all day.

She takes the TV off pause and then the news anchor continues.

"Leading the ensemble cast is the multi-talented Fantasia Barrino, best known for her powerhouse vocals and captivating stage presence. Barrino will take on the pivotal role of Celie, a character whose resilience and journey to self-discovery have resonated with audiences for decades..."

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