Chapter 12: Keep Your Enemies Closer

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Some of these next chapters will be more character building, other characters POV, and of course we're building up to more intimacy and connection between Fantasia & Taraji.

Fantasia's POV

I pull up to my house and park the car. I turn to the backseat and hear nothing but Taraji snoring. I don't even wanna wake her up, she looks so peaceful. 

"Come on sleeping beauty. We home." I gently tap her thigh and she groans. "Girl...I wasn't even sleep."

I suck my teeth and come around her side to help her out the backseat. "Sure you wasn't. Come, I gotchu." I assist her out the vehicle and she leans on me for support to the door. I fumble with my keys and unlock the it.

Taraji's heel gets stuck coming through the front door and she trips her way inside. Her purse and phone crash onto the floor.

"Oh shit! I'm so sorry. My bad my bad."

"It's okay, shhhhh."

I think Derek is already sleep. It is only a little after 10 but, he gets up for work early like I do.

"Oooh I forgot he was heeeereee. Oops" Taraji whisper yells and covers her mouth. "I'm so excited to finally see your home."

As she gets her things up off the ground, the upstairs light turns on.

"Babe, you good? What's all that noise?" Derek slowly creaks down the steps.

Taraji stands straight up and my back tenses with anticipation. My unofficial boyfriend and my soon to be lover meeting for the first time.

"Yeah, I'm good. We have company." I gesture towards Taraji, still fumbling beside me.

Taraji straightens her shirt as Derek steps further into the light and they make eye contact for the first time.

"Hi! You must be the husband, or- I mean the boy friend or the...??" Taraji waves her hands around in confusion.

"Hopefully, the official boyfriend very soon. But, you can call me Derek." He extends his hand to her. "I know exactly who you are. I'm a fan. And Fantasia talks about you all the time." Derek says sincerely. "I'm glad she has someone she's gotten close to that can look out for her on set."

"Thank you, Derek. And yes, I am definitely something worth talking about and imma always look out for her." Taraji wraps herself around my right arm. I glance around the room praying she doesn't say or do anything that looks too suspicious.

Taraji's POV

Hm. Okay. He's not bad looking. A little shorter than I expected him to be. Bald. Light skinned. I'm not picking up on any bad vibes per se, but I've still got my eye on him. I can't get too comfortable, he still my competition.

"So, Taraji is gonna take the guest room for tonight." Fantasia turns towards me. "Derek is gonna get you a clean rag and a towel & put it in the bathroom."

I nod.

"Well it was really nice to finally meet you, Taraji. I'll see you in the morning. Tasia, don't be too long. I'm waiting on you." Derek places a kiss on her cheek and smacks her behind hard before going to put the towel and rag into the bathroom for me. I almost jumped outta my skin.

"Oh!" Fantasia gasps. "Derek, please.." she side eyes him.

I know how Fantasia can be about too much PDA, or maybe she's more comfortable with me.
We did just make out in a public parking lot.

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