Chapter 9: The Last Supper (Part 2)

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Happy 1k reads! I didn't think anyone would really read this story fr, but I've gotten so deep into & will continue to dive deeper with the storyline and the characters. ❤️ So grateful for you all enjoying the story. Remember that these characters are not perfect and I never wanted them to be. They have flaws and make mistakes!

Never hesitate to comment or let me know what you're hoping to see, your input is my inspiration.

Grab your tea, it's about to go down.
This chapter takes it all the way there.

Fantasia's POV

I watch Taraji's nerves melt away with every sip of her drink..then the second. Her lip stick stains the glass. She talks & laughs with me, the bartender, and some fans that come up to her wanting to take a picture with her. One of my favorite things about her is how warm and inviting she is with others. While it's true she can be intimidating, she's always been friendly. Just don't fuck with her, and you'll always be on her good side.

When the fans leave and it's just us at the bar again, she turns to me & starts talking. I notice her body language is different. It's softened, she's leaning in towards me more, she's touching my arm.

I think she's...flirting? I might be reading too deep into it.

I've never been around Taraji when she was drunk. Maybe a little tipsy, but I have no idea what type of drunk she actually is. It looks like it may be the flirty type. I hope so...

Taraji crossed her legs then looked me up and down slowly. My shaky hand brought my glass up to my lips and I took a hard sip of my lemon drop. Her eyes pierced straight through me.

"Yes, Taraji?" I say in a low hum as I tilt my head to the side, trying to play it cool though my heart was pounding.

She leans onto the bar table and props one of her elbows on it.

"Have I already told you how beautifullll you look tonight?" Taraji adds extra emphasis on her words. Her eyes dark under the intimate lighting. "And your lips...real..kissable." Taraji smacks her lips making a kissing sound that makes my chest warm.

"Yeah...actually. You have. I appreciate it hunny...Thank you." I respond sweetly. Taraji then gulps down the remainder of her drink. I tend to babysit my liquor, so I'm only about half way through.

Taraji swiftly switches her delivery,
"I hope that man you with treating you right. Because if he don't snatch you up soon? I willlll. You let him know, he got a good woman."

Taraji laughs a hardy laugh and pulls her coat into herself.

"If I was your woman, you'd never want for nothing. I'd make sure you was happy, laughing, & smiling for the rest of your life."

I blush & flutter my lashes. The comment is bittersweet. I'm pretty happy where I'm at with my guy, but I've been having some doubts as of recently. Also, I know she's feeling the alcohol in her system and she probably won't even remember everything she's saying tomorrow. But don't they say people's true feelings come out when they're drunk? I'm thinking Taraji might be a bit of a lightweight too, no shade to my girl though.

Imma just go along with it for now.

"And I hope THAT man, knows I'll kill him for hurting you." My voice rough and strict. We both look down at her wrists that now have a darker shade of purple to them. Taraji's eyelids drooped & her lips curved downward before she turns  back to the bartender.

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