Chapter 21: Truth Hurts

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TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️ This chapter contains discussion of drug use.

I spent awhile tweaking this chapter and rewriting some of the plot but, things get a little more interesting because there's multiple storylines happening at once lol. Bare with me, I know it's a lot going on. It'll all make sense soon.
❤️ all my supportive readers!

Fantasia's POV

Although I still have this big lump in my throat because I haven't told Derek what I need to tell him, that hot shower was everything.
I feel so revitalized and brought back to life.

I decided to go downstairs and make me a full breakfast to get my self care day started right.
Maybe I'll even treat myself to a little shopping afterwards. I haven't taken myself out on a solo date in awhile, especially since I've been so busy with TCP.

Yeah...I think that's what imma do today.

After I'm done eating, I'll hit up Taraji and see if she wants to join me so we can discuss how I should break the news to D.

Taraji's POV

This definitely wasn't how I'd planned on starting my day off. I thought I was just gone chill, maybe hang out with Fantasia, possibly get a lil....aha.
Let me stop.

But seriously! I hate lying to her, I had to make up an excuse when she texted me and asked me what I was doing today. Now I gotta try and figure out the best way to navigate a conversation with this man I don't know from Adam.

I do know one thing though,
I'm about to stunt on him.
I know exactly what imma wear.

I go in my closet to find my sexy black dress with my black pumps and clutch to match. I decide to take the Mercedes Benz out for the afternoon to match the mood I was in.

Boss Bitch.

After I drop my son off at school, I text Derek.

Hey, I'm about to head there. I should be there in less than 30 minutes. Let's meet at  Diamond D's.

Diamond D's is one of me and Fantasia's favorite brunch spots inside the mall because it's very lowkey and they have best mimosas. If I was gonna go anywhere with a stranger, it at least needed to be somewhere I know I'd be comfortable.

Unsaved number: Okay, sounds good. I have to make a stop first but, I'll be there soon.


Shortly after I pull up, Derek texts me that he's already inside and got us a booth in the back of the restaurant.

Well, at least he's punctual.

I park my car at the front entrance of the mall and before I go inside, I give myself a lil pep talk.

"Now Taraji, Fantasia is your girl. You gotta protect her at all costs, no matter what. We don't owe Derek no loyalty. Just go in there, say what you gotta say to get him off her back and we will figure the rest out later." I declare dabbing my lips with lipgloss. I flash myself a smile in my rear view mirror and I unbuckle my seatbelt then strut into the establishment.

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